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"Assholes asssholes assholes! I will make those assholes pay!" You repeated those words in your head as you looked around the alleyway where you last saw them

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"Assholes asssholes assholes! I will make those assholes pay!" You repeated those words in your head as you looked around the alleyway where you last saw them. As you walk down the narrow alley, you scavenge your surrounding trying to spot the two men that threw the bottle of wine at you and Elle.

Then a hand wrapped around your mouth while another one is holding a knife to your throat.

The man who's holding you snarled, "Ha! You fell right into our trap!"

"She does look pretty loaded, shall we rob her before we go to the meeting?" The other one said, who's standing in front of you.

"I'd say we take everything she have! Even that dress!"

You instantly reacted and bit down hard on the man's hand and he yells out in pain.

"Withering Rose! Now!"

When you cried out for your stand, it instantly grabbed the attacker and threw him at the vine, which wrapped itself around him.

The other man jumped back, "What the hell?! A stand user?"

Withering Rose then punched the ground and it grew the vine to trap the other man onto the wall too next to his comrade. You walked up to the two men, "I've been waiting for this moment to take my anger out on you two."

The first man widen his eyes and muffled noise came out behind the vine. You take it as a sign that he want to talk and let the vine drop free from his mouth. "We're sorry! We didn't mean to cause you any trouble! Me and friend just wanted to have a bit of fun! That's all! There's nothing to it!"

You clenched your fist and slapped him, "You think breaking someone's car AND ruining a lady's dress is fun? Do you have any idea how expensive those things are?" They both shook their heads frantically. "Yeah that's what I thought! Now both your payments are 210000 euros."

"We're truly sorry but we don't have the money with us right now!"

"Then you should not mess around with a 'richling' right? Since you can't pay for the property you damaged, I guess you can all pay with your arms." I snapped my finger. "Withering Rose."

At your command, Withering Rose twisted both of the men's arm, snapping their joints with the sounds of bones cracking. They both tried to yell for help but it was fruitless. The vine covering their mouth muffled in their screams.

You smirk mischievously as you watch them suffer, "Cry for help all you want. No one will be able to hear you. Anyways your arms only make up 40% of your payment. You all can pay off the rest of the 60% by giving me this..." You snatched the diamond brooch off the first men. "...And this!" You grabbed the other men's watch which looks costly. "Andddd you boys can all stay here for the rest of your lives! Unfortunately those vines will die once dawn breaks and kill you in the process. But since I'm not up to murdering someone right now..." You freed one man's arm, "If you have a phone, call for help."

Reminisce - Giorno Giovanna x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now