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"There you are Y/N!" Elle ran up to you, "Where were you?? I try calling your phone but you left it in the house!"

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"There you are Y/N!" Elle ran up to you, "Where were you?? I try calling your phone but you left it in the house!"

"Sorry Elle. I was just running some errands." You lied. You couldn't let Elle know about what you've been doing. You thought it'll be hard for her to understand since she can't see your stand so you'll thought it's best to not tell her what happens or else she'll start to ask too many questions.

She huffed and blew some of her bangs aside from her face, "Well you should've bring your phone with you! I was so worried!"

You laughed, "I grew up around here Elle. I know Naples like the back of my hands. Anyways, you wanna go grab something to eat? I know a really good place where they serve the best pasta in the world."


You both arrived at the restaurant near the port in Naples. This was one of the restaurants that's owned by Rosa and a capo worked here as the manager. So many of those memories came back to the time when Giorno and you will come here to order octopus salad and shrimp scampi. The capo noticed how you and Giorno come here so often that he gave you both your favorite dining spot near the ocean water.

Now you're sitting across from that spot where it's currently being occupied by a young couple. Looking through the menu, you noticed that the menu has changed. There are some new things added to the menu while some are gone.

"Ohhhhh all of those foods looks good!" Elle exclaimed as she looks through the menu.

"You can read Italian?"

"Nope. They have the ingredients written out in English. Kind of glad my study abroad program paid off."

You smiled, "I guess you don't need my help then."

A waiter came over, "Good evening signora, may I take your order?"

Elle smiled, "Of course! May I have the..."

She squinted her eyes at the words trying her best to pronounce them in Italian, "il..gambeor alfred?"

Because Elle doesn't know any Italian, her pronunciation in Italian is completely horrible with her French accent.

"Les pâtes aux crevettes madame?" The waiter asked, who seems to know that she speaks French and helped her out by communicating to her in her native tongue.

"Oui! Are you French?"

The waiter scribbled down the order on his notepad, "Nope. Pure Italian. I learned both French and English starting when I was a little kid. Anything else you want?"

Elle blushed, "Nope! Merci beaucoup!"

The waiter then turned to me, "And you? What would you like?"

"The octopus salad and shrimp scampi. Do you know if the manager, Lorenzo Gallo is here right now?"

Reminisce - Giorno Giovanna x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now