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The next day you got ready and wore the shirt and pant you brought with you. It wasn't the best outfit you have but at least it was something that kept you covered and looking clean.

Giorno plans to take you to the plaza near the port of Naples where you and him used to go to to seek onto boats to see the sunset together. When you both finally got to the plaza, the twins, Francesca and Filippo, greeted you two. Giorno brought them along to help keep you both safe from Rosa (and because he promised to buy the twins any item they wanted for passing their classes with straight As, though, they probably cheated through all of their schoolwork.)

As you stroll down the street awkwardly with Giorno and the twins on each side of you, you didn't know what to say. Giorno side eyed you and gave Francesca a credit card from his wallet, "Alright, here's my card. Go with Filippo and buy whatever it is that you both like. I'll call you if anything happens."

"Thanks Giorno! We'll see you later!"

"Don't go too overboard with my money!" Giorno called after them as they took off into the crowd, "And don't fight with each other either!"

You laughed, "You really trust them with your money like that?"

Giorno shook his head, "No. But if they do spend everything on that card, I'll have to cut back their payment for them to make it up."

"That's fair enough."

"So..." He said, "Is there any boutique here that you'll like to stop by?"


You looked around the plaza and a dress displayed on a store's window caught your attention.

"Let's go there and check it out."

You pull Giorno with you by the arm and you both enter the store where a staff with the name  "Ari" on her name-tag greeted you two.

"Ciao! How may I be of service to you?"  Ari saw Giorno and she bow her head, "It's great to see you Signore."

Giorno smile and nodded his head, "I have a dear friend here and her name is Y/N.  Could you find something for her?"

She nodded her head, "Of course." She waved another staff over, "Could you help me watch out at the front desk?"

She turned to you and Giorno and gave you both a big smile, "Please follow me."

You both follow her deep into the hallway where there are more clothings being displayed. Once you both reach the women department and enter a private room, Ari bought out a thick book binder from a shelf and hand it to you, "This binder is filled with many different clothes. If something catches your interest, just let me know and I'll get it for you."

She walked towards the door, "I'll be back very soon so just decide which outfit you'll like in the meanwhile Signora Y/N."

You sat down next to Giorno on the velvet couch and open the book, "She seems to really respect you. I guess you did something for her or the store?"

Giorno nodded his head, "I'm kinda well known around here in Naples since I help out the people here a lot."

You look through the book, "I see...Hey, what do you think about this dress? I saw it on display in their window."

You hold the book for him to see and he stared at it for a good few second before turning away, "It'll look ugly on you."

You roll your eyes, "Seems like your personality really hasn't changed one bit."

He chuckled, "I'm just being honest..."

He turned your face towards his and his blue-green eyes look into your black ones, "Because I'll rather have you dress in clothes that'll make you look more beautiful."

Reminisce - Giorno Giovanna x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now