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You're shocked about Giorno confessing his feeling right there in front of you unexpectedly.

It's not like him to express his feelings so easily. Usually he puts on an emotionless face or have a hard time expressing how he feels. But tonight, he poured out everything in his heart and it was clear to you that he's deeply in love with you and he wants you to love him back.

You're still not sure if you're completely in love with him. Instead, your feelings for him is mixed.

Sure he's passionate about the thing he wants and treats everyone with respect and kindness. He also have the combination of book-smart and street-smart which he use to do right things. And especially how he took care of you and dotted on you whenever he gets the chance.

For now, you let yourself sink into the kiss, which felt good. Too good.

Giorno then picked you up and carry you towards the couch on the other side of his office. He place you gently on the furniture and continues to kiss you, climbing on top of you. Something inside his heart burns fiercely for you, wanting more from you and your body.

His hand reach the back of your dress, where he pull the ribbon, causing your top to loosen up and slip off your shoulder.

"Giorno..." You said between the kiss, "Wait-"

He ignores you and continues to kiss you down to your neck while also sliding your dress off your chest in the process.

"Giorno! Please stop!"

You gently push him off your body and quickly cover yourself with your dress, "I'm not ready yet Giorno..."

Giorno widened his eyes and he turned away in shame for letting his lust for you go out of control, "Ah...I'm so sorry Y/N. I'm so sorry."

You scooted closer to him and smiled, turning his face to meet yours. His eyes looks watery, as if he is about to cry at any moment and it was the very first time that you've seen him on the verge of tears. And it tugged your heart.

You brush aside his messy curls from his eyes and kissed his cheek, "Hey...Don't cry. I love you. I do. But I'm still sorting out my feelings for you. I never really had the time to consider it because of everything going on with me and Rosa."

"For now, I want to focus on surviving and taking down Bertelli. Then we'll get to go out and know each other a little more ok?"

Giorno nodded his head and you kiss his forehead, "Thank you for understand Gio. Now eat your food before it gets cold. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight."

You kiss him again and left the room.


The next morning, you found Giorno in his office filling out some documents. Since he's too concentrated on his work, he didn't notice you staring at him and when he finally looked up, your face heats up and you put a tray of his meal on his table.

"G-Good morning." You stuttered, still awakened from the night before, "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"I did. Thank you for asking." He replied. "What about you? Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah." You lied. You weren't able to fall asleep because your brain was constantly replaying that night with Giorno over and over again. His confession, the mini make out session, when you both almost got intimate, and your confession to him.

"Hmmm...At one of the casino that is being controlled by a capo, requested to run a gambling business illegally in the basement. He claims that by doing so, Passione will earn more money without having to pay half of our profits to the government. Should I allow that?"

Reminisce - Giorno Giovanna x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now