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Once you reach the laboratory with Fugo, you hid in the shadow with him, watching Armitox and Savio going into the laboratory. When you made sure no one is around, you signal for Fugo to step out of the shadow.

You and Fugo walked towards the basement and when you're about to open the door, you feel a gun pressed behind your head.

"Y/N. Turn around slowly and keep your hands in the air."

You did as the person told and when you face the person holding the gun to your head, it is Mattio. There are other hitmen that you recognize from Rosa and they're also pointing their guns at you. Fugo is nowhere to be seen.

"Where did your friend go Y/N?"

"I don't know." You said as stable as possible to hide your fear.

"Don't play around. You know this is serious."

"I really don't know."

Mattio urged the other hitmen to look around, "Check every area of this place and find that boy with the green suit!"

He turned to you, "You'll be coming with me first until we make sure we find that other person."


5 gunshots went off and Mattio fell onto his knee, clutching his stomach. You back away from him quickly and brought out your stand, Withering Rose, and turned a nearby tree to expand its roots and wrap itself around Mattio before turning grey and slowly sucking the life out of Mattio causing him to scream out in pain.

You looked around and Mista appeared from the rooftop of the laboratory, "Y/N! Are you ok?"

You turned to him, "Yeah! But Fugo-"

Mista didn't hear you, "Be on the lookout! One of the hitmen managed to block off my attack!"

"Yeah but Fugo is gone!"

"I'm here Y/N."

Fugo appeared around the corner dragging a badly beaten up hitman by his hair, "Sorry to leave you like that. I was going to do a surprise attack until Mista jumped in."

He looked up at Mista, "Hey Mista. I took care of the other hitman for you."

Mista rolled his eyes and climbed back down from the roof.

Fugo dropped the hitman and stomped on him a few more times to make sure he is completely unconscious before he walks towards the basement door and swung it open. You and Mista followed him down to the laboratory. There was no sign of Armitox and Savio.

"Shit. They're not here." Fugo muttered to himself.

He turned to you and Mista, "Y/N. You and I should stick close together to find Savio and Armitox. Mista... could you send your bullets to search for them upstairs?"

Mista cross his arms, "Now who the fuck do you think you are to tell me what to do?"

Fugo sighed and rub his forehead, "Mista please listen. I have to keep Y/N safe and I want you to be safe too. If you use your bullets to scavenge this building, it'll make our work much safer and easier-"

Mista moves you closer to him, "Well Mr. Know-it-all, I'm only here to protect Y/N by the order of my boss. I don't think he ever mentioned for me to cooperate with YOU."

The six bullets in his pistol agrees with him.

"Yeah! Mista's right!"

"Mista doesn't need to listen to you!"


Fugo glared at the bullets and they sunk back into the pistol. He then turned to Mista, "You didn't let me finish! I just want you to do this for me at the very least."

Reminisce - Giorno Giovanna x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now