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"Fuck!" The man yelled out in pain, holding onto his head, "Who the fuck do you think you are to throw that shit at me?!!"

You grabbed the man by his neck.

"Hey..." You said in a low growl, "The fuck do you think you're doing?"

He rolled his eyes, "Are you stupid? I'm obviously working! Now let me the fuck go!"

Your hand around his neck tighten and he gave off a low sound.

Then something grabbed your neck from behind and pulled you away from the man. The low sound that he was making was actually his laugh and now it's louder, echoing between the walls in the alleyway.

"You stupid bitch!" He laughed manically, "You think you can pick a fight with me? A stand user?!"

The stand punched you across your face, knocking you down onto the ground where the rocks scrap your thighs, causing it to bleed. You got back up and as the stand pull his arm back to punch you again, you yelled out "Withering Rose!"

Your stand appear and punch the stand in the right shoulder, which the contact gave a cracking sound. The man stumbled back as his right shoulder burst with blood seeping through his suit from the damage that his stand took. You walked over to the man and frowned at him, "Tell me. Are you selling drugs for Rosa?"

"Tch! I ain't telling you shit!"

"I don't want to kill you but if you're not going to cooperate with me, I'll gonna kill you. After all, if there's less drug dealers, there'll be less citizen being taken advantage of from scumbags like you right?"

Then the man's stand punched you again but harder this time. When it hit your legs, it caused your lower body to be paralyze and you collapse on the floor unable to move your stand because it also took the affect from you too. The man towered over you, holding onto his deteriorating arm.

"It seems like you possess quite a powerful stand." He said as his stand float by his side, "I think we should have a little get to know each other first before I get serious and kill you."

He spoke again, "The name's Umberto. My stand "Numb N' Pain" can give out some pretty hard punches and when it does, it paralyze the body part that it punches. Which is why you're now laying pathetically on the ground."

He continues to look at you in the eye, "I'm quite the observant person and from that attack your stand did to me, it seems like it can have an effect too. I can't feel my right arm and my body is slowing down due to the drain of energy."

He kneel down, "I'm intrigued by your stand power. So tell me. What else can it do?"

You spat in his face, "Like I'll even tell a low life like you. I won't even give you my name!"

Umberto wiped your spit off of his cheek with his thumb and cracked his knuckles, "Well it seems like our conversation will end shorter than expected."

"Purple Haze!"

Before Umberto's stand could grab you, Purple Haze punched Umberto across the face and one of it's capsule fell off its knuckles, landing on Umberto's suit. Umberto flew a a couple feet away from you and when he looks towards the exit of the alleyway, there stood Fugo.

"Fugo?" Umberto asked confused, "What are you doing here? And this capsule! What-? Are you trying to get me killed?!"

"Umberto. It's been a long time." Fugo said as he watch the capsule burst and began to cause Umberto's body to start growing warts.

"Fugo! Why are you doing this?" Umberto cried back, "We used to work together!"

"I was given the order from Passione to kill you for selling drugs."

Reminisce - Giorno Giovanna x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now