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You slam the car door and walk into the villa to see Bertelli sipping a glass of beer on the living room couch. He saw you walked in and he patted on the spot next to him, "Wanna sit and chill for a bit?"

You sat next to him, "Something's up? You never come to me unless it's something you want from me or it's about Rosa."

Bertelli set aside his drink, "Nope. I just want to have a nice conversation with you. How's your trip in Italy?"

"It's been great. I get to explore places outside of Naples."

"That's good to know. Being able to go to places without your father getting in the way."

He then process to ask another question, "Elle went back to France today. Your vacation was supposed to end by now but you're still here. Is there a reason why?"

This time your guard was up. He may be wondering why out of curiosity or it could be because he know about what happened with Umberto. Anything is possible in the mafia world.

"Just play it cool Y/N."

"Well..." You spot the canvas bag holding your broken painting. "I went to Venice two days ago to paint the city but my painting broke. So I'm planning to stay longer to redo the work."

Bertelli smirked as he pick up his drink and took a sip, "Huh. What a coincidence. That was also the day when one of my men went missing. His name was Umberto and we found his clothing lying out in the alleyway, since his body was nowhere to be found, we assumed he was murdered."

"Shit! I shouldn't have mention that!"

Bertelli continued, "One of my men investigated the scene and he found a broken capsule which is from a stand. So we're guessing it could be from a stand user. Y/N, you're also a stand user aren't you? You've used it to kill your father after all."

Bertelli turned to look at you, "Well?"

"My stand does not use any capsule. You've must mistaken me for another stand user."

"Was there anyone there that you know that have a stand that use a capsule?"


Bertelli narrowed his eyes at you and you looked right back at him, trying not to show anything that could give you away again. He turned away from you and gulped down the rest of his drink and slam it on the table from frustration, "Sorry for doubting you Y/N."

He got up, "I'm going to leave now. I have things to do."

When he left, you took a deep breath to calm yourself down and quickly pick up your phone to call Fugo.

"Fugo. I got a picture of their schedule. They're probably somewhere here in Naples."

"That's good to know. I'll head over to you tomorrow."

You rubbed your neck, "A slight issue though. I might be under suspect for killing Umberto. Rosa found out pretty quickly."


"Hello? You still there Fugo?"

"Yeah. But that means you'll be in danger right?"

"Mhm. I'll try to get a friend of mine to help me out though."

"I see."

"I'm gonna end the call. I'll update you if anything happens."

You hang up the phone and quickly ran up tot your room and pack whatever you need to carry with you. Even though Bertelli may be fooled for now, there's no guarantee that he will find out sooner or later. And you're not taking your chance hanging around this place when he does.

Reminisce - Giorno Giovanna x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now