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Giorno pace around the front door and bit down his thumb as he looks out the window for any signs of you and Mista. About two hours later, Mista burst in through the door holding you in his arms. Giorno widen his eyes at the sight of you lying in Mista arms unconscious.

"What happened to Y/N?"

Mista quickly set you down on the sofa and turns to Giorno, "The poison from Armitox! I think the effects on her is really strong!"

Giorno crouch over Y/N and holds her hand, "I got this!"

He uses Golden Experience to heal you and you still remind unconscious. He gulped and feels your pulse and he let out a sigh of relief when he feels it slowly getting stronger.

He gets up on his feet and turns to Mista, "She's alright now. Just how did this happen?"

Mista explained everything to him, about how he went to keep you safe and how he bumped into Fugo on the way along with how he even offered to help kill off the other hitmen and destroy the laboratory.

"I don't know why he would do all this. Let along be in on this with Y/N..." He says, still not knowing that Giorno was the one who assigned him to do it. "Just what in the world is he planning to do?"

"Mista..." Giorno said, "I was the one who told Fugo to kill Umberto, Armitox, and Savio. I wanted him to do this to prove his loyalty to us again... And... He wanted to say sorry all this time."

Mista was astonished by what he heard, "So.. You wanted to give him another chance?"

"Yes. Please understand him Mista. I know you're still upset about what he did years ago but know that he did it because he was scared. It wasn't an easy decision for all of us especially for him. But he's willing to change now that he reflected on himself."

"I see..." Mista bit his bottom lip and sigh, "Well he did seem like he was trying to reason with me.... I guess I'll just have to see things out for myself."

He turns and head off to his room upstairs and Giorno stays by your side until you finally woke up. As your eyes flutter open and take in your surrounding, Giorno holds your hand, "Y/N... Are you feeling alright now?"

"Armitox... Fugo.." You quickly sit up when you recall what happened before Armitox kicked you and knocked you out cold. "Shit!"

Giorno gently moves you back onto the sofa, "It's all over Y/N. Don't move too much, your body is still recovering."

"Fugo... Did he manage to kill them?"

Giorno smiles and nod, "He did. You don't have to worry. Mista and Fugo had already defeated them and destroy the laboratory. Everything is fine now."

You relaxed, "Thank god... I thought we were going to die."

You rub your forehead and Giorno place a hand on your head, "Does it hurt?"

"Having a little bit of a headache right now but I'm sure I'll be fine soon..."

Giorno nod his head as he stroke your white hair, "Do you want to head up to your room?"

You nod your head and Giorno picks you up, bringing you to your room.

When he place you down on the bed, you open your eyes and look at him smiling down at you.

"I'll go get you something to eat." He said softly, "You've lost a lot of energy from the poison."

You nodded your head and he goes back downstairs to make you a light meal. When he came back up to your room, he handed you a small bowl of soup. He scooped a decent amount of the liquid with the spoon and brings it up his mouth to blow on it to cool it down before bringing it close to your mouth.

Your face turns red and you hesitated. This reaction made Giorno tilt his head, questioning if he did something wrong, "Did I do something?"

"N-No! I mean..." You put your face to your hand and mumbled, "I can feed myself...."

Giorno laughed, "Why?" He gives you one of his mischievous smile, "Are you shy to be pampered by me?"

"I— No! I can feed myself!"

"Oh? Then I guess I'll just leave you alone since you don't need any of my assistance."

"What? No! I want you to stay here with me!"

"Well I have some work to finish so I don't think I can stay unless you need me."

He place the bowl on the table next to the bed and smile as he made his way out of the room as he count down the time for your reaction.




"Fine! Wait!" You called after him, "Can you stay here?"

He turned around and teases you, "For what? I won't stay unless you need help with something."

You blush again, and look away as you hesitate to answer.

"Can you... Stay with me and feed me...?"

Giorno instantly went back to you and gives you a playful grin, "Of course Y/N."

Taking the bowl again in his hand and scooping some of the soup up with the spoon, he moves it towards you, "Now say ahh..."

"Stop teasing me like that!"

Giorno laughs again as he place the spoon in your mouth, "I can't help it Y/N. You know, you're really cute when you act like that."


After he was done feeding you, he tuck you into your bed and watches you close your eyes to rest. When he finally gets up to leave you called out to him.

"Don't leave yet Giorno. I want you to stay here with me just a little longer."

Giorno did as you wanted and he sat back down next to the bed, "Is something the matter?"

You shook your head no and smile at him, "I just want you here with me. And thank you again. For everything you've done for me. If it wan't for your help, I don't think I would even get this far, let along finding out about Bertelli breaking his promise."

Giorno runs his hand through your hair and smiles, "Well it's the least I could do for you. You mean everything to me Y/N and I won't hesitate to give you the world to see that beautiful smile on your face."

You looked back at Giorno and blushes at what he said. It really is true that he loves you very much and he was not only showing through words but also through his action. Back when you were both younger, he would always tease you (though he is still doing that now) and act as an older brother to you, it seems like things have changed a lot now that both you and him realize his feelings for you. Not to mention that recently he told you he love you and you kind of rejected him because of how occupied your mind was about killing Bertelli and taking Rosa back under your control so you never really hace the time to consider abut having a relationship with him.

But now it's different. As you continue to recall the memories you've made with Giorno since 5 years old to now. You were sure you wanted him and made up your mind to be with him now.

You got up on your bed and reach your hands out cup his face in your hands before you plant your lips onto his. Giorno was taken aback by what you did but he kissed you back as he wraps his hands around your waist. Then you pull him onto of you on the bed as you both continue to make out.

Your mind is free from the thought about your next plan to take down Bertelli. Or Rosa. Or what happens after you assassinated the drug team.

All you could think about was the golden boy on top of your body and the intense feelings you're having for him in this very moment.

Reminisce - Giorno Giovanna x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now