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You woke up in a bedroom and when your eyes adjust to the room, you noticed you're not in your bedroom.

"Shit..." You cursed under your breathe while holding onto your head from the headache, "What happened?"

You tried to recall what happened but you couldn't because of the throbbing pain in your head. All you could remember was that you met Giorno at the vineyard and now you're in this place. You're still in your clothes and you put on the pair of slipper next to the bed and walked out of the room. When you enter the hallway, you recognize the golden wall and realized that this is Giorno's place. As you continue to make your way down the hall, Giorno appeared from around the corner and sees you.

"Y/N are you alright?" He asked with a concern look on his face, "You look like you're in pain."


"Come here." He said with his arms open out for you.

You staggered over and he scooped you up in his arms and he carry you back to the bedroom. You didn't have the energy to argue with him or get embarrassed so you lay your head against his chest, letting him carry you back. Giorno felt your head resting on his chest and his heart instantly fluttered. This was how the old you would mostly act around him. Soft, gentle, and feminine. Due to some of his trait that he shares with one of his father, DIO, he liked it when you act submissive and let him do whatever he wanted to you.

When Giorno enters the guest bedroom, he gently placed you down on the bed.

"Wait here." He said softly, "I'll get you water and some pain killers. I'll be right back."

Giorno walked out of the room and after a few minutes he came back with a glass of water and a small pill. You took the pill and chugged the water. Giorno sat by your side and hold your hand while you lay down in the bed, feeling the pill taking it's affect on your headache.

While you're still trying to shake off the hangover, Giorno was thinking about what happened earlier when you kissed him. He can still feel the movement of your lips on his and he can't shake off the thought if you did it because of alcohol or if it was something more.

"Thank goodness I didn't let Mista come along." He thought, "He would've lost it if he saw Y/N kissing me."

The song that Mista would sang whenever Giorno talked about you came back into his head and he chuckled at the silly lyrics in the chant.

"Giorno..." You said, finally feeling the headache starting to go a bit, "Can you tell me what happened?"

Giorno propped a pillow behind your back and you leaned into it.

"You have no clue?" He asked.

"Yeah...I don't remember much after I saw you at the vineyard."

"Well, you met me at the vineyard for dinner and I brought a bottle of wine with me. It was a deal we made a long time ago and I kept that promise for you."

"Ahh...I remember now.."

"You do??" Giorno blushed and turned away, thinking that you remember everything, especially how you kissed him.

You hold your face in your hand in shame, "Yeah...I passed out from getting drunk right?"

Giorno felt his heart sank to his stomach but he tried again to hope that you at least remember the kiss, "Well...Do you remember anything that you did before you passed out?"

You shook your head, "Did I do anything wrong?"

Giorno sighed, "No Y/N, you didn't do anything wrong and you never will. But I'll leave you alone to rest. If you want to go home just tell one of the butlers here and they'll get someone to drive you back home. And don't even think about trying to drive home in that state."

Reminisce - Giorno Giovanna x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now