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Mista stood between you and Fugo and spoked out, "Fugo...What were you doing to Y/N?"

Fugo didn't dare to look up at Mista. He turned away and ran off into the dark. When Mista made sure he was gone completely, he lower his pistol down and grabbed your shoulder.

"Did that bastard hurt you anywhere?" Mista asked you anxiously.

You shook your head no and Mista let out a sigh of relief, "Thank god you didn't get hurt. Giorno will be pissed if that happens. Now hurry back inside! What the fuck were you even doing outside?"

You rolled your eyes as he pushed you into the building, "I told you! I was going outside to get some fresh air! That boy approached me and wanted money but I have none. I think he have anger issue or something because he doesn't seem to understand me when I said I really don't have any money on me."

Mista shook his head, remembering all of Fugo's antics, "That's Fugo for ya. He have severe anger issues and can't control himself when he's mad. Especially that stand of his."

You turned around, "You know him?"

Fugo's stand, Purple Haze, has gripped your neck pretty hard because once you turned around and Mista saw your neck, his face grew pale.

"What?" You asked, having no clue about what he was getting scared of.

"Giorno's gonna fuck me up. There's a huge purple bruise on your neck."


You're sitting on the couch as Mista rubs an ice cube on your neck, trying to get rid of the bruise which was caused by the stand. He wanted to get rid of the bruise on your neck as quickly as possible so that Giorno won't get mad even thought he knows that Giorno usually keep his cool. You looked at Mista who's still harshly rubbing the ice cube on you.

"Mista! You're going too hard with that ice cube it hurts!"

He finch and moved the ice in a gentler motion, "Sorry. I was panicking."

You smiled, "It's ok." Then you thought about the question that you asked Mista early about Fugo which he never gave an answer. "And you didn't answer my question about that boy Fugo."

Mista rubs the ice cube a little big more aggressively again when you brought up that question and avoided your gaze at him, "It's not suppose to be for me to answer. Talking about him makes me want to throw him into the deepest pit to hell."

"But what did he do that made you so mad?"

He sighed, "Fine. Let's just say he abandoned his own group of friends just to save his own ass. That's all you're getting from me."

"Ok. That's good enough for me to understand the context of why you hate him."

"Did Fugo betrayed Mista..? How did he betray his friends?"


It is now 12 in the morning and Mista isn't done rubbing ice cubes on you. Your neck and shirt is now soaked with water. The bruise on your neck has only faded a little but it was still visible. You can feel your eyelids starting to droop from keeping them wide open for a long period of time.

"Mista...please...It's not going away...it's 12:30AM..I'll just tell Giorno that it wasn't your fault." You said, trying to reason with Mista, who currently losing his mind trying to get rid of the bruise.

Reminisce - Giorno Giovanna x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now