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Giorno spoked to Fugo and he still didn't responded to Giorno.

When Giorno gotten closer to Fugo, he noticed that he passed out and his side was crumbling away and bleeding. He used Golden Experience  to check if Fugo was still alive—which he is but barely due to the little amount of life energy he have in him. After making sure Fugo is alive, Giorno took out his phone and dialed Alessandro's number, "Hello Alessandro?"

"Sup Boss?"

"Are you still here in Venice right now?"

"Mhm. I'm guessing you want me to do something for you."

"Yeah. Could you come to Zattere if you're available? I want you to drive me and someone to one of our hotels."


Fugo didn't remember much after Mista pointed his pistol at him and called him a traitor. He thought that he deserves it either way since he left his gang members because he didn't want to betray Passione. But after he left his gang, he felt guilty and terribly depressed about the decision he made. Even though he could've cared less about saving Passione mafia leader's daughter, Trish, he felt like he abandoned his friends and family who were there for his ups and downs. Maybe if he went along he could've helped Bruno and share more happy memories with his gang. It's been 3 years since he was last involved with Passione, he didn't know if his gang succeeded or failed to take down the boss and he didn't want to stick around, especially if they managed to take over that mafia. In order for him to survive on the street, Fugo resorted to using his wits and skills as a street thug to take money from people around him—just like his old life when his parents disowned him and he didn't have any friends but himself.

Yesterday night when he tried to rob you, you used Withering Rose to attack him and left him with a decaying abdominal where it started to crack and crumble away. The punch not only left Fugo with a decaying abdomen, it also took a toll on his energy, when he ran off, he could only make it to a nearby alleyway before he collapse, unable to move because of the lack of energy he have in his body.

"So I should be dead by now..." Fugo thought to himself, "..But why does the cement feel so soft..?"

Fugo slowly opened his eyes and blanked a few times from the light blinding him for a moment. He looked around and see that he's on a bed in a hotel room. The side of his abdomen doesn't hurt anymore and he flipped back the bedsheet and looked down at where his injury is supposed to be. It was gone.

Fugo is unsure of what could've healed him like this but deep in his heart he knew it was someone who was once his comrade. He shake away the possible thought of Giorno helping him. He still believes that Giorno and the other gang sees him as a traitor so it wouldn't be possible for them to go out of their way to help someone like him.

Then there was a few knocks on the door, and before Fugo could speak, the door already swung open and Giorno came in with a tray of food in his hand. Fugo looked at Giorno and quickly turned away, unable to believe the fact that it was his old gang member that saved him.

Giorno walked over to Fugo's bed and placed the tray of food on the drawer next to it before sitting down on a chair beside the bed.

"How's the wound?" Giorno asked Fugo gently, wanting to sound as friendly as possible to make him comfortable.

Fugo didn't answer and still has his head turned to the side to avoid looking at Giorno.

Giorno sighed and tried again, "Fugo. It's alright. I'm not mad or upset about what you did."

Finally Fugo turned around and look into Giorno's blue-green eyes, "You're not...mad? About what I did to our gang?

Giorno shook his head and smiled, "If anything, I'm happy that you choose to leave. It was a wise choice and you're safe now, which is what I've always wanted for you.

Reminisce - Giorno Giovanna x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now