A/N: a long overdue explanation

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Though 12:03 AM is hardly an appropriate time to post an author's note, I feel obligated to justify my recent decisions. Looking back at my story, I realized that although it was realistic, it didn't fulfill its purpose. I intended to write a lighthearted story that readers could enjoy and imagine themselves in, and that's not what the end result turned out to be. In all honesty, I only ended the story in the way I did because I really didn't know what to do with it. I took a risk, which was brave and different, but in hindsight, stupid. I'm not going to apologize for making the poor narrative decision I made when I was a prepubescent child, but I do want to give you all (myself included) the ending we deserve and that fits the story.

That said, I did make some slight changes in the timeline and some insignificant details from the original story. These shouldn't deter you from enjoying the story, but I am forewarning any detail-oriented readers who might find issue with the lack of complete continuity.

Also, I do feel the need to address perhaps my greatest controversy: Chapter 15. That was merely the product of my pretentiousness and need to differentiate myself from my peers. Do I like the Lord of the Rings most out of all the series I mentioned? Yes, but my disrespect for the other books and movies was out of pocket and not deserved (expect for the PJ movie slander). And just to clarify, I really do love both Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.

Excuse me for getting off topic, but are any of you interested in my other story, All's Fair in Love and War? I'm not going to fully continue it, but if enough are interested, I will post my notes and excerpts for the story (assuming I have the time).

Lastly, please post your thoughts about the latest installment of my story, and stay tuned for the other parts of this (hopefully) more satisfactory conclusion. 

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