chapter 37: midterms

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I'm so sorry for not replying to any on your comments, people! As much as I love seeing what you guys have to say, it's really just an overload of comments, and I'm too lazy to reply. Keep commenting though!


*Keefe POV*

I sit down at my desk and stare at the paper in front of me. 

Midterms. My old enemy.

Luckily for me, I have photographic memory on my side. 

I tap my pencil on the wooden surface, and survey the classroom. Principal Alina is pacing, her phone pressed to her ear, and all of the juniors are packed into the gym, all sitting single desks, chairs attached. 

"You mean you can't get the freshman to settle down!?!?!?" she pauses. "Are you kidding me!?!?!?!! I don't care if it's their first year! You know what, I don't have time for this," she groans and slaps the phone down on her desk. "Okay students, the rules are: no cheating, you must put your pencil down and turn you paper over once you are done with a subject, and if you are not done in one hour, you fail. Understood?"

A wave of nervous yeses go around, and Alina claps her hands together. "It is settled then, you may begin." A timer pops up behind her and starts counting down from sixty minutes.

What a show off.

I get started on the test in front of me. 

Question One:

What is the atomic mass of Darmstadtium? 

Is this for real? 

A: 281. 

Question Two:

What is the most electronegative element?

How do people fail these things?

A: Fluorine.

I continue on with test until I get to the english section. Photographic memory can't tell me the answer anymore. But I'm an avid reader, so all the comprehension questions I blow through. But Alina is a tricky one.

Question Fifty-Four: 

Based on your summer reading, 

This isn't going to end well.

what is the theme of Hamlet?

We were supposed to read Hamlet? What a snoozefest. If this wasn't ten percent of the test, I would be laughing. It's a Shakespeare play though, so I can probably guess death or something.

A: Death.

"Thirty minutes left!" Alina announces as I finish my test. I raise my hand, and Alina motions for one of her little minions to answer my question.

"Mr. Sencen, what do you want?" Bronte demands. 

"I'm done." 

"No you aren't."

"Yes I am."

"First as usua..." he looks over to Foster. "Second. Someone beat you." Bronte snatches my paper and hands it to Alina, who runs it through a scanner. 

I look over to Foster, who is sitting there, spaced out. 

How? How? How?

How? How? How?

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*Sophie POV*

I snap out of my funk, and notice Keefe looking at me. I wave, and he waves back. 

"Are you done?" I mouth.

"Yeah. You finished faster. You broke my record," he mouths back.

"You have a record?"

"Oh course I do, I'm Keefe," he forces a smirk.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Just gonna have a hard time explaining to my dad."

"Oh. I'm sorry."


I face back forward and sit there, amusing myself with my thoughts. 

*Dex POV*

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*Dex POV*

I finish my test about fifteen minutes after Sophie and Keefe. 

School is so excruciatingly easy, it's actually sad.

I look over to Linh. 

Speaking of school... the dance is coming up. I've liked Linh for a while now, and I think I should ask her. I really wish I was as confident as Keefe and Fitz. They have it so easy. 

It's not that I'm jealous of them... it's just that a little confidence can go a long way.

Linh is the nicest person I know, but even the nice ones can't let a guy down gently. 

I'm so excruciatingly lame, it's actually sad.

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