chapter 27: myers briggs

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Okay, guys, if you've taken this test, tell me what personality type you are? 

And what type do you think the characters are?

Do we have any female INTJs? Cause I'm one!


*Keefe POV*

"Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask, not even bothering to raise my hand. 

"I don't know, can you?" Mr. Winston says, sitting up. 

"I don't know, that's why I was asking," I say, getting out of my seat.

Mr. Winston snarls, "go."

I smirk and walk away. 

Once I'm done, I head back into the classroom, where everyone has chromebooks out. 

"We're taking a personality test," Foster says, answering my unspoken question.

I nod and log into mine. "So what's this test called?"

"Go to 16 personalities." I search it up and click on it. "Now press take the test."

"I'm not stupid, Foster," I wink at her. 

First question. 

You enjoy vibrant social events with lots of people.

Then you press how much you agree or disagree. Straightforward. 

I click the furthest to agree, but I see Foster do the opposite. So she's not a party animal. Noted.

I continue on with the test, until I get to the end. "Finally," I lean back in my chair, the feet coming off of the ground. "That took fore-"

"ALL FOUR ON THE FLOOR!!!" Mr. Winston slams my chair down with his foot. *true story, happened to a friend in algebra* 

"Ouch," Foster says, looking sorry. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm cool. Must be revenge," I look around at all the other students with their chair legs off the floor and scowl. 

Mr. Winston glares at me. "Okay, everyone, I want you to get into groups of eight, and then share your results."

Foster gestures to the crew, the members spread around the classroom. We all group up, me staying the farthest away from Bangs Boy as physically possible. 

"Let's share our results," Biana says excitedly. "I'm an ESFJ!!!"

"Linh, what are you?" Foster asks.

"I'm an INFP. You?"

"I'm an INFJ. Keefe?" she asks.

"I'm an ESFP."

"I'm an ESTJ," Fitz says.

"Tam?" Biana asks.






"Ohh, this is great!!! We've finally all bonded!" Biana squeals. 

"Uhh, sure..."

"Okay class, your homework is-" Mr. Winston is cut off by the bell.

"Nonexistent," I smirk and head for the door.

"Mr. Sencen, the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!"

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