chapter nine: number/ cousin's fury

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EDIT: whoops, just noticed the chapter number's wrong, (just pretend it always said nine) Posting this one early, because I have something I need to do tomorrow. I just realized that I haven't done a chapter in Keefe's POV for a while, so, here you go! Enjoy!

"Mr. Sencen, Mr. Dizznee," Ms. Galvin announces, looking annoyed, "you two will be partners for the chemistry project."

"I knew I should have ditched," I mutter under my breath.

"Mr. Sencen, what did you just say?" 

"I was just wondering what the project was about," I lean back in my chair. I'm good. 

"Sit up," Ms. Galvin appears at my desk and whacks me in the head with a stack of papers. 

"Oww," I rub my head. That can't be legal.

"The project is on balancing chemical equations. It's not that difficult, and if you've even paid a second of attention, you'll do just fine," she looks right at me. "I don't care what you do, whether a poster, hands on experiment, though I'll doubt you'll have the materials to do the latter."

Ms. Galvin starts passing out packets, "Here are the requirements for you project, along with the rubrics for the project and essay."

"We have to do an essay too?" I whine.

"Yes you do, Mr. Sencen. And this should all be done next Friday, which is the..." she checks her watch, "twentieth." 

"You watch tells the date?" I ask.

"No, Mr. Sencen, is it the twentieth?" I shake my head. "Then obviously it's not telling the date," she sticks her head up. 

"This is AP Chemistry, or 'smart kid chem,' as you call it, so I expect this to be easy for you," she points to the whole class, "this should be easy for all of you because it will only get worse from this point on. If it's hard, then I guess we'll just have to find another class for you." 

"If that's supposed to be a threat, then make it less appealing," I call out. The class laughs, and I smirk. I've still got it. 

"Keefe Sencen-" she gives me a warning glare and starts to fill out a detention slip when the bell rings. 

I do a victory dance, (not inside my head, in case you were wondering) and pull my backpack over my shoulder. 

"Keefe!" an irritated voice calls from the classroom door that I just seconds ago exited. I look behind me to see a panting Dex. 

"Oh hey, Dex," he puts his hands on his knees and pulls out his phone. "You tired alr-"

"Keefe, Dex!" someone says from behind me. Dang, is that how everyone enters a conversation at this school? I turn around, expecting some rando who just wants to be seen talking to me, so you could imagine my surprise when I saw Foster walking towards us. 

"Hey, Foster!" I wave at her and wink. She blushes and continues heading towards me and Dex.

"Hey! Earth to Keefe," I turn back around, (okay this is getting annoying) to get a slap in the face by Dex; not intentionally, I hope. "Anyways, I need your number," I give him a confused look, which quickly turns into a smirk.

"Awww, it's like we're dating," I coo. "Although," I put an arm around Foster, (who took her place beside me five seconds ago), "I would rather be with you, Honey," I wink at her again and she blushes even harder than before. 

"Ugh!" Dex exclaims. "Get away from her you ugo!"

"What's an," I pause for a moment and make a face, "ugo?"

"It's a name for an ugly person! Now get your hands off Sophie!" he screams, outraged.

"Okay, geez," I back away from Sophie, "drama queen."

"I heard that!" Dex makes a fist.

"Wow, back the t-rex up! I don't want to get physical here."

"I was just trying to intimidate you!" he brings his arm down. "Obviously it didn't work."

"Don't worry," I pat him on the shoulder. "There's always a next time."

"Yeah, I agree; you're very problematic."

"What?!?! I'm so well behaved," I cross my arms in defence. 

"Uh huh... that's why the teachers love you," Dex retorts sarcastically.

"Ms. Belva sure does."

"Okay, that's just messed up. Honestly, I would rather have you date Sophie than her. And that's saying something."

"Guys," I look to my right to see Sophie. "I'm literally right here."

"Oh, not gonna lie, I kinda forgot..."

"Same here."

"That doesn't matter, we have to get to PE," she gestures further down the hallway.

"Right... you know, I actually like PE, so I won't ditch."


"Sophie, Sophie, Sophie. Keefe here," he sticks his thumb at me, "has a reputation for ditching classes and still managing to get perfect grades. Well, if you consider 98 perfect-"

"Ouch," I clutch at my chest. "That one kinda stung a little." Foster looks at me, curious. "It's kind of a touchy subject."

"And I thought I was a sucker for a 4.0," she chuckles. 

"No, it's a little more serious than that," I say, hurt. 

"Oh... I'm so sorry," she looks like she wants to go bang her head against the wall. 

"No," I brush it off, forcing a smirk. "Don't worry about it."

She seems to drop the subject but doesn't look convinced.

"So, are you gonna give me you number or what?"

That's the end! Sorry, this chapter was kind of rushed. Okay, I'm getting bored of saying that. 

Anyways, I think I should address this, (this is more of a note to self, but, whatever). I need to stop saying 'oh, I'll update twice this week,' or, 'I'll update Wednesday,' because I don't have time for that, (don't ask). I can't keep making promises, (no matter how little,) that I can't keep. So sorry for the late update. 

Have a great week! (Also, did not edit this chapter.)

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