chapter eight: home at last

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Kind of a filler again, but I was busy yesterday and didn't have much time to write, so... hope you like it!

"When did your parents say they would be back?" Marella asks as we walk to class. It's Tuesday,  a week since we started school again, and I've gotten much closer to the Songs, Dex, Marella, and even the Vackers. I've even contemplated asking Keefe for his number, but I chickened out. 

"Sophie?" someone waves a hand in my face, breaking me out of my trance. 

"Y-yeah," I stutter, snapping back to attention. 

"When are Edaline and Grady going to be back?"

"Oh! Today!"

"What about your bodyguard? Sandor?" I open my locker and take out my history books.

"He'll go back home, but if I need another babysitter, my parents will call him."

"Nice." Marella slams her locker shut and fumbles with the lock. I look inside to my homeroom class and wave to the teacher.

"Let's go, the bell is about to ring." We speed walk all the way down the hall, up the stairs, and into our classroom. I barely have time to sit down and organize my things until the bell rings.

"Okay class, today we will be talking about World War 1. I know most of you know a lot about WW2, but I think we should start from the beginning," she slaps a stack of papers on Marella's desk, (because she sits in the front row), and continues to put stacks on the whole front row's desks. 

Marella starts passing them back until it reaches me, (I'm in the back). 

"Before we start this unit, I wanted to give out a placement assessment," she reaches over to the magnetic timer on the whiteboard. "You have five minutes."


I look through the questions. Easy. 

What year did WW1 start? (extra credit: month and date)

July 28, 1914. 

When did it end? (extra credit: month and date)

November 11, 1918.

There are about ten more questions, all of which I answer in two minutes. 


"Okay class," Mrs. Sanja collects our papers. "I hope you guys did your best," she pauses for a moment. "Turn your textbooks to page 17, and start reading until you reach 23. We will go over the section in 15 minutes," she starts the timer again and we get to work.

 We will go over the section in 15 minutes," she starts the timer again and we get to work

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"Bye Sophie!" Dex and Marella say in unison. I wave back and walk out the bus, waiting for the drivers signal to cross. 

"Sophie!" Edaline calls from the porch.

"Edaline!" I run over to my mom and give her a hug.

"We missed you so much!" I bury my head in her hair.

"Sophie!" Grady exclaims. I break apart from Edaline and hug him.

"How was your trip?" We had broken apart and are now inside. Edaline is fixing up a snack, and Grady is sitting on the couch next to me. 

"It was wonderful! We got to see all sorts of animals and shows. We even learned how they take care of them and transport them. We got to stay at this resort! It was beautiful!"

"That's amazing!"

"How is school?" Edaline asks, bringing a plate of custard bursts to the table.

"It's great! The work is way too easy, but I've made a few friends."

"Friends, huh?" Grady asks skeptically. "Are any of these friends... boys?"

"Dad! I can have friends of the opposite sex! It's not illegal or anything!"

"In my house it is."

"But school isn't your house," I counter. 

Grady opens his mouth to speak when Edaline stops him. 

"It's okay, Sophie. You can have friends that are guys," she leans closer to me, "do you like any of them?"

"Of course I do, they're my friends!" I shout, flustered. Edaline backs away. 


"Stop being Dad!"

"I mean, you're a teenager, I'm open to you being in a relationship."

"But I'm not!" Grady gets on his knees in front of me. "If I hear even a WORD about some boy, he's getting IT! I did ten years of boxing for this. NO BOY WILL GET NEAR YOU!!!!!" he screams like a maniac.

"What about you?"

"Well I'm a man."

"What about Dex?"

"He's your cousin.

"What about Uncle Kesler?"

"You haven't even met him."

"What about Alden?"

"He's married."

"What about Sandor?"

"He's your babysitter."

"What about guys on TV?"

"Remain your distance from the TV."

"What about boys on my phone?"

"You have boys on your phone??!!?! Sophie Elizabeth Foster, give me that thing right now!" 

"No, Dad, I was just using it as an example," I reluctantly hand over my phone. 

"Nevermind that. I'll see you later tonight."

Grady stands up and walks over to the door, grabbing a coat and tucking my phone into the pocket.

"Where are you going?" Edaline asks, confused. 

"To Sandor's. He'll have a metal bat there."

Hope you guys liked it! I'll probably only update one other time this week, because I updated a lot last week. Have a great day!

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