chapter thirteen: gods?

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This chapter is dedicated to... @bookloverforever987!!!! I have been wanting to do a chapter like this since I read her story, (which is amazing, and if you haven't you need to go check it out). 

Holy crap. I think I just messing with the wrong fandoms *cue evil laugh* 

Also, we hit 100 votes!!! I am so happy, that was my goal for this story!!!

Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter, (please don't kill me!!!) 

*Sophie POV*

"COLLISION OF THE FANDOMS!!!!! NEW EVENT STARTING FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20!!!!!" a voice booms over the intercom. "Potterheads, Demigods, Tributes, Trekkies, and LOTR fans are welcome at this particular event. *I know, I know, it's a weird bunch*Other fandoms will have different dates. Remember, unlike people, not all books were created equal!"

"Oh my gods, I can't believe this is happening!!!!!!" Linh squeals. 

"Gods?" Keefe asks, confused.

"Oh my gods!!! Have you never heard of- oahgoihrnvaiefn!!!!!!!"


"It's called polytheism," Skylar interrupts from the side. Dex and I stifle our laughs, and Linh starts yelling at Skylar. Keefe's still confused.

"Aagkhnvneohycujt!!!!! I can't believe you're not a fangirl!!!! Percy Jackson rules!!!" she falls onto her knees, and thrusts her arms out, yelling to the ceiling.

"Geez, you act like you guys are not in a hallway full of kids," Skylar helps Linh to her feet. "Also, Linh, I am a fangirl. I'm in the: One Fandom to Rule Them All," she announces proudly.

"Huh?" Biana and Keefe ask simultaneously. 

"Are you stupid? Or dumb?"

"I mean, she's both," he points a thumb at Biana, "but regarding me: how dare you!" Keefe mocks offense.

"Lord of the Rings?"

"Ohh, right..."

"Ugh, so ignorant," Skylar mumbles, her voice fading to the sound of Linh screaming at Keefe, again. 

"How could you not know about the amazing series called Percy Jackson!!!" Linh screams. 

"I don't think I've ever seen her this mad," Fitz whispers. 

"I know. Too bad Marella isn't here, she'd be having a ball with this."


"So this happens every year?" I ask Fitz.


"Is Linh always like this?"

"I have no idea."


"Okay, that was the definition of a boring conversation, like do you guys hate each other or something?" Biana asks out of nowhere.

"Oh, I forgot to ask this on the survey, but; do you guys like nicknames, what do you want to be called?"

"Oh, I love being called Bi, cause people then don't mess up and call me Bianca," she snarls, "I hate that name."

"That's understandable," I turn to face Fitz, "any nicknames for you?"


"Okay, cool."

"ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT HARRY POTTER IS!!!! Go dig yourself a hole and die in it!!!" Linh screams. 

Me and Biana look at each other, concerned. "Linh," I rush over to her. "You need to calm downnn," I bring her away from Keefe. "Deep breaths. I know this is a big thing for you and you're not acting like yourself, but save this for the actual event, okay?"

"Of course," she says, taking deep breaths. 

"Good. Now, it's time to go home, remember, we have a sleepover today."

"Right!" her eyes light up. "Who's coming again?"

"The boys are having a sleepover with Fitz, and we are having it with Biana, though I doubt we'll stay seperate."

"Yeah," Linh nods. "I can't wait to play truth or dare, this is going to be so juicy!!!!" 

"What?!!? We're not playing truth or dare with the boys, right?"

"Ohhhhh, Sophie has a secret," Linh coos.

"No I do not!" I protest, my cheeks undoubtedly bright red. 

"You're blushing," Linh sings, and right on cue, my cheeks get even redder.


Linh raises an eyebrow, "okay, fine."

I look around and realize the hallways are empty. "Guys, I think we need to go home," I tell to the group, which now consists of everyone who will be going to the sleepover. 

"Do we all have our bags in our lockers?" Biana asks, (she's the leader of the sleepovers). 

"Yep," we all reply in unison. 

"Okay, everyone go get them and meet me at the house," she commands, strutting away.

"You realize you aren't going to get very far by yourself, right?" Marella asks, (she just came from debate team practice. 

"Yep," Biana continues to strut away as we chase after her, lugging our bags along.  

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