chapter four: a day in the life

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Before we start the next chapter, I just wanted to say... THANK YOU all so much for 200 reads! It means so much! Also, thank you for commenting and voting!

*Sophie POV*


I lazily reach my hand to the nightstand and hit my alarm clock.


"Ugh," I groan. I'm not much of an early bird, unless I have a good reason to be up at 6 AM. And school, is not a good reason. I roll out of bed, which results in me falling on the floor, and hitting my head on the ground. "Ugh!"

"Is 'ugh' the only word in your vocabulary?" a voice asks from the door. I untangle myself from the sheets and rest my chin on my bed. 

"I don't think 'ugh' is a word," I groan. Again. 

"Oh my god, could you stop that? Just stop groaning and get up!" 

I squeeze myself out from my position, (sandwiched between the wall and my bed) and finally stand up so that I'm facing the mystery person. 

"Umm, who are you?" The man standing in my doorway looks like he stepped out of a fantasy book. His ash-grey hair is tied up in a man-bun, exposing his large, pointy ears, and his biceps are probably as big as my thighs. I measure my leg with my thumb and index finger, squinting in attempt to compare the two.  But the real reason why he looks like a medieval warrior is because of his spiky bat, which is slung onto his waist. 

"I'm Sandor," he replies in his squeaky voice. 

"And, what are you doing here exactly?"

Sandor opens his mouth to speak when someone interrupts him. "He's here to protect you from boys!" my dad announces, appearing from behind Sandor. 

"Umm, that's not what you told me," Sandor turns back to my dad, confused. "I thought I was just her babysitter."


"Ahh, yes. I was going to ask Alden if you could stay over, but then I figured, why not have this big fella do it?" he nudges Sandor. 

"Wait! Where are you going?"

"Edaline and I have to go to The Wilds and take a tour there."

"Like the zoo? Wait- we went there for vacation a month ago!" 

"Yes, we did. It's a great place." Grady walks out of my sight and leaves me and Sandor alone. 

"Miss Foster, I believe it's time for breakfast."

"Right!" I spring up and rush to the bathroom, where I try to run a brush through my hair (it doesn't work). I quickly take care of business and rush out the door. 

"Slow down!" Sandor stops me from running past him. "Just walk." So we walk down the stairs together, and he tells me more about himself, as I continue to interrogate him. 

"Where are you from?" 

"New Jersey."

"Is Sandor your real name?" 

"Of course it is!" 

"Do you have permission to carry that bat around?" I glance at his weapon. It's actually scary. 

"No comment." 

"Get away from me! How does my dad know that you're not going to kill me!"

"He doesn't," Sandor replies ominously.

"What?!?" I start to run away and Sandor chases after me.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I was trying to lighten up a little."

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