chapter 28: ryan

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Okay, the quest for a certain ship is on!!!! I think you know what it is already, so I'm going to warn you. 

This next little bit will be weird. These chapters will switch POVs a lot, so none of that picture thing. I couldn't really fit sokeefe action into the main plot, so it's kind of a seperate part, if that makes sense. 


*Marella POV*

Here I am, walking through the halls, when suddenly, I come upon Biana and her boyfriend holding hands. 

Now this wouldn't generally be a problem, but this time it is. Guess what?

Ryan, Biana's boyfriend, is the kid who sent me shirtless pictures via DM two days ago.

AKA, my ex. 

The one that still likes me.

Upset, I bolt. I run to the bathroom, and lock myself in a stall. 

Why am I so emotional?

It's not even my business to cry. Biana's the one being played. 

But there's a tugging feeling in my heart. 

There's a reason Ryan and I broke up. 

He would always talk to other girls, and give out his number like it was candy. At first I thought nothing of it, but turns out he was actually talking to another girl. As soon as I found out, I broke up with him. But poor Biana doesn't know. 

And the problem with me is...

I never blocked him.

I let him send me pictures, and say flirty things. I literally have a BOYFRIEND! 

Maybe I'm just as bad as Ryan. 

*Sophie POV*

"Foster, I'm hungry," Keefe whines. 

"Hello, Hungry, I'm not your mom."

"Can you please feed me?" When I shake my head, Keefe's shoulders slump, and he starts to pout. 

"I'm regretting letting you walk me home."

"Aww, Foster," Keefe wraps an arm around me, "someone's gotta protect you." He flexes his unusually muscular arm, and my jaw drops.

"How often do you hit the gym?"

"Someone likes these guns, huh?" Keefe wiggles his eyebrows, and I blush. "I go about twice a week."

"No you don't."

"How would you know?!?!"

"You're muscles are impressive, but you definitely don't work out that much. Did you do some sort of summer program?"

"Ah, you caught me. Yes, with Fitz and those guys. It's for basketball."

"Speaking of basketball... when's your first game?"

"In a week."


"Yeah," Keefe forces a smirk. 

"What's wrong? Do you not celebrate Christmas?" I stop him from walking any further and grab his shoulders. "Don't tell me you don't at least spend time with family."

"It's really not a big deal," he tries to shrug me off.

"Yes it is. Where are your parents?"

"Remember when I told you about my dad and stuff... well, we don't really spend time together. In fact, they aren't even home on Christmas. I just stay in my room."

"WHAT THE HECK!??!!? Keefe Sencen, you are not spending Christmas alone!"

"Yeah I am."

"No! Edaline told me that they always throw Christmas parties. You're now invited."

"It's okay, I wouldn't want to be a bother..."

"You know what. I'm going to leave this alone for now. It's only November 6."

We walk in silence until we reach my house. 

"Thanks, Keefe," I give him a hug.

"Uh, yeah," he's frozen for a second, but then embraces me back. "Anytime, Foster."

I let go of his torso and walk up the steps leading to the front door and wave. He waves back, and I head inside. Once I take my shoes off, I look out the window to see if he's still there. 

Awww, he waited for me to be inside before leaving, that's so sweet!

"Sophie Elizabeth Foster!" Grady barks from behind me. I jump about a mile into the air. "Who was that?!?! Was it Keefe?!!?!? It was Keefe, wasn't it?!?!!?!"

"Dad, he's just a friend," I rub my forehead in annoyance. 

"A friend, huh?" he puts air quotes around 'a friend'. "You know, I read something that said that when girls say 'a friend' they're talking about a boy."

"I was."

"You know what I mean."

"Do I?"

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