chapter 26: she wrote this?

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*Sophie POV*

Students and parents file into the auditorium. It's the beginning of the year play, where the students write the script and design the set. I take a seat in the front row, next to Keefe and Linh. The curtains are drawn, but you can still feel the excitement. 

"Biana's always good," Linh whispers. Right on cue, the lights flicker, and the curtains are pulled. 

"I killed him," out of the corner of the stage, a person, cloaked in maroon, steps out from behind the curtain. "I killed him," they repeat into the phone.

"There he is!" a bounty hunter runs at him, and he side step, letting his attacker run into the wall. Another comes, and this time the figure pivots, and punches the attacker in the back of the head. A third comes at them, and this one gets tripped.

"Is this it?"

"Not yet," the third stammers, cowering from the boot on top of his face. "Man, you're going down." He leaps up, and attacks the figure once more, but every shot gets blocked. Until... the attacker pulls out a gun. "Surrender, or I'll shoot."

"I don't think you want to do that."

"Why not, old man?"

"What makes you think I'm a man," the figure roundhouses the gun out of his hands, and puts it to his head. "Tell me where the jewel is, and I won't shoot."

"What jewel?" 

"You know what I speak of. Tell me," the figure pushes the gun into the man's head even harder. "Speak!"

"Yes, yes, of course," the man chokes, and goes into a sort of trance, "I can be read, feel blue, make you green, and yellow too, the noontime sun makes me beam, and in my corner, your prize will gleam."

"Now speak english!" the figure demands. 

"I did," and with that, the man dies. How? Who can say?

"Useless. Should have know," the figure mutters. "I can be read, feel blue, make you green, and yellow too, the noontime sun makes me beam, and in my corner, your prize will gleam. What could that possibly mean?"

"It means you'll never find anything, not unless you know where to go. With me on your side, you'll get your jewel," a figure in black steps out from behind a tree and into the light. "I know your task, and you mean well. You want to steal the jewel, and spread it's wealth. You'll need help."

"I do not need help," they tuck the gun into their maroon coat. 

"Yes, you do, Princess."

The audience gasps along with the stunned royal. "How could you have possibly known?"

"I am Amethris Garner, known more commonly as A.G. the Sleuth. I know things," the woman throws down her hood, revealing surprisingly pleasant features, amber hair with a slightly crooked nose. "I know what you look like, Princess, no need to further conceal your face."

The Princess throws off her hood reluctantly. She's quite stunning, with teal eyes and chocolate hair. "Call me Violet."

"Okay, Violet. Lead the way."

The rest of the play went on just like the start. Epic gun fights, amazing scenery, beautiful acting, and quite a few interesting characters along the way. I lean my head on Keefe's shoulder, not even noticing until he grabs my hand. I blush, but we stay in our position and continue watching. Linh sets her phone in the cup holder next to us, and the last act plays. 

Let me set the scene. Violet and A.G are in the dungeons of a neighboring kingdom. They got caught. At least for now. 

You see, A.G is called a sleuth for a reason. As you may have expected, she was planning a great escape. Now, I, as an audience member, do not know how, but I do know she will. 

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