chapter three: deck?

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STOP! Wait a minute. I just realized that I forgot a whole buttload of things in my last A/N, so go back and reread that because I edited it. (If you read the authors note after 7/15 at 2:00 PM, then you've seen the updated version.)

*Sophie POV*

I shift in the mystery boy's arms for a second and lower my head, not wanting to accidentally ogle him.

Why does he have to be so frigging gorgeous?

"Umm, I'll be going now," I stutter, blushing insanely. 

"Wait!" the boy shouts. 

"What do you want?" I turn back to him.

"Two things: one, pick up those books, and two, a name." I blush again, and bend down to pick up my books. 

"Give me your name, horse-master, and I shall give you mine," I quote. 

"I'm sorry- what?" he asks, bewildered. 

"Not much of a Lord of the Rings fan?"

"Umm..." he rubs the back of his neck.

"I see... now we might just have to change that. But first, I requested your name, so I expect you to answer. Unless you're not interested in hearing mine, which would be odd, considering that you asked for it in the first place, but, that could have also just been a polite gesture, as it is uniform to do so," I rant. 

"My name is Keefe."

"My name's Sophie. Sophie Foster," I reply, hastily standing up to shake his hand.

"And I'm Fitz," a voice calls from behind Keefe. "Nice to-"

"New fave couple? Of course!" I look past the boys to see a group of juniors, lead by Marella and... Dex.

"Dex?" I run over to the group and hug Dex. He seems taken aback at first, but then embraces me back. 

"Long time, no see, cousin," he smiles as we seperate. 

"Too long," I turn back to Keefe and Fitz. "Keefe, Fitz, this is Dex; Dex this is Keefe," I point to the blond boy, "and Fitz."

"Nice to meet you, Deck." Fitz extends his hand, offering to hand shake.

Dex goes red and growls, "It's Dex you idiot! Well now I know why your name's Ritz, because you have the listening skills of a cracker!"

"Oh, right, I'm sorry," Fitz's hand recoils.

I open my mouth to speak when I here a holler. "Sophie!" a cheery voice calls. 

I turn around. "Marella! You abandoned me," I exclaim.

"Yeah, I guess I move on quickly," she replies nervously. "Oh, I almost forgot!" she perks up. Marella grabs something behind her and pulls it forward. "This is Linh, she's a Junior too. Oh, and her brother, Tam, is my boyfriend. He's a little antisocial."

I look at the two siblings. "Are you two twins?" I ask Linh. She seems a lot friendlier than Tam. 

They glance at each other before responding. "Yes, we are twins, but we would rather not talk about it," Linh says shyly.

"Of course! I understand."

"Do you?" Tam steps forward. "Do you know what it's like to-"

"Tam, that's enough," Linh shouts. She extends her arm, blocking Tam from coming any closer. "I'm sorry, he's a little rude sometimes." 

"It's alright, I guess I hit a nerve with that question. If it's not my business, then, I won't ask." 

"No, no, it's just..." she trails off. "N-nevermind," Linh stutters.  We stand there in awkward silence for a while until Marella interrupts. 

"So... wanna walk home together?" 

"But if you know where my house is you could murder me in my sleep," I say.

"Couldn't anyone do that?" Linh points out.

"Well yes, but no. It takes a lot of planning to break into a house," Tam finally speaks, hood still up.

"Tam!" Marella gasps, slapping his arm.

"Why am I not surprised?" Linh mutters. 

"He has a point though."


"I'm sorry," I throw my hands up in innocence. 

"Wait, shouldn't we be heading out? I mean, we've been standing here for the last five minutes," Marella asks. 

"Oh, right." So start walking towards the exit down the hall, (minus Fitz and Keefe, and who knows where they went.) 

"Are we all going to ignore the fact that Wonderboy called me Deck?" Dex exclaims.

"Okay, Desk," Marella responds, sashaying away. 


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