chapter fifteen: collision of the fandoms

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*Sophie POV*

Linh, Marella, and I climb into the bus. Today is the day. We take a seat in the back of the bus. Linh takes the window seat and stares out at the trees surrounding the campus. I'm stuck in the aisle seat, so I observe the people around me. A few seats in front of me is a kid, drooling, and one seat in front of and across is Skylar.

"Hey Sophie," she says, noticing me. "You ready to show all these Potterheads who's boss?" she grins.

"Totally," we bump fists.

A lady in a crisp suit leads us into a white dome shaped room, think: stadium

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A lady in a crisp suit leads us into a white dome shaped room, think: stadium. There are debate podiums in a circle around the room, and to the left of the entrance is a large desk connected to a larger podium.  

"Nice," I breathe.

"I know, right," Linh walks up beside me. "We should sit next to each other, since we're from different fandoms!" Linh suggests. I nod and we head to our podiums. Marella joins us, standing to my right.

"What are you?" I lean over to her and ask.

"I'm with the works of Rowling," she says proudly. I give her a look of disgust (don't worry, it's fake) and she narrows her eyes at me in return. I turn sharply to face the desk in the front of the room. 

"Here's how this is going to work," the lady in the suit hits the desk with a stack of papers, "it will start with the person on my left, and from there on you can say whatever you want whenever you want, but if anyone starts to talk over someone else, I will stop the discussion and we will have to start raising hands, which, by the way, is annoying for both me, and the rest of you," she looks around, "any questions?"

A murmur of 'no's go around and a man with glasses goes around passing the papers that the woman in the suit was stacking. He comes around a second time with No.2 pencils.

"Fill this sheet out and once you're done press the switch on your podiums."

I nod and look down at the paper. There are some basic questions, like name, grade, and fandom, and then more specific ones, such as why my fandom is the best, and what my favorite book out of the series is, and my thoughts on the other popular works. I fill it out relatively quickly, before Marella, Linh, and Skylar, so I press the switch at the top of my podium down, and a blue light is emitted from the crack where the desk board is connected to the stand. A significant amount of other blue lights come from around the room. 

"Okay, now that all of you are done," the lady in the suit pauses as the man in glasses collects our papers, "I have a few more things to explain. There is a red and a green buzzer on the upper left corner of your desk board. Green stands for 'agree' and red for 'object'. When someone makes an argument, you can agree or object. I also have a buzzer on my desk, but this one is used to mute participants. If you are being disrespectful I will mute you for the remainder of the event. Questions? Good, let us begin."

"I think that Harry Potter is the best because there's magic and it's well written," the boy at the beginning of the circle states.

"Hehe, no. I mean, Harry Potter's good and all, but, it can't compare to Lord of the Rings. Tolkien is the king of fantasy, and J.K Rowling was obviously inspired by him, though still creating an amazing work of fiction, not measuring up. In fact, I think it's unfair to include LOTR because all other fantasy is somehow related."

"That is a lie, you're forgetting Percy Jackson. How is it related to LOTR?"

"Percy Jackson!! Don't make me laugh. That's child's play. I mean, it's good, but... they couldn't even make a good movie from it!! LOTR won 17 Oscars, while Percy Jackson's sitting here being made fun of. I respect Riordan, but he didn't mix myth and present day very well. Sorry dude, but LOTR will always reign supreme."

"LOTR just copied mythology!"

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Even if he did, he did it well!"

I watch as Skylar shoots down everyone's points.

"At least Harry Potter has a realistic moral," Marella purses her lips and stares down Skylar.

"FOR SAMWISE GAMGEE'S SAKE!! Tolkien himself stated that LOTR wasn't supposed to be emotionally fulfilling or anything. And, in case you were wondering, it does have the theme of friendship and loyalty."

Marella groans and fires back. "Harry Potter is the highest grossing franchise!"

"Yeah, cause there are eight movies; none of which, earned an Oscar."

"You can't even argue with that," I add, pressing the green buzzer. "Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, while both good and respectable works, cannot lay a finger on Lord of the Rings. I respect your opinions, but I think it's time for you to read LOTR."

Linh and various others open their mouths as if they want to object, but all they do is slowly press the green buzzer. 

"Well, I think we have a winner!" the lady in the suit announces, and the man with the glasses whips out five confetti poppers and makes them erupt. I pump my fists in the air and do a little happy dance (making sure to stay behind the podium). 

"To the S to the I- I mean O to the P to the H to the I to the E... SOPHIE!! SOPHIE! SOPHIE!"

"Uhhh, not trying to ruin your celebration, but everyone's looking," Linh whispers, holding me still. 

I look up to find that she's right. I blush a bright red, and stare down at my feet. "Hehe, hehe, he, he, heeeee..." I giggle nervously. 

"YESSSSSSSS!!!!" Skylar hisses from the other side of the room, sticking her hands in the air. 

"Well, I guess I'm not alone in weird celebrations," I grin at Linh. *hold up, that rhymes*

"No, you aren't," she replies, turning away and pointing.  I look in the direction she's gesturing to and- 

What the- the lady in the suit is on her knees, crying tears of... joy. "I knew we would win," she says through sobs. 

I wrap my arms around Marella and Linh. "What can I say-"

"Lord of the Rings will always be better?" 

"You read my mind."

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