chapter 36: shopping

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Okay, but like, what?!?!!?

How are we at 450 votes? You guys are amazing! Thank you so much!


*Sophie POV*

"Okay, but like, why? Can't I just wear jeans and a sweatshirt or something?" I ask. After getting with Tam, Biana has had a newfound urge to go dress shopping for the dance. 

"It's formal!" Linh shakes my shoulders. "You should be excited," she gets a dreamy look in her eyes, "I've been planning my dress since kindergarten."

"Didn't you not go to this school until, like, last year?" Marella asks snarkily. 

"Well, yeah, but... I knew this day would come..."

"You're weird."

"That's why we love her," I close my book and put in back in my bag. "Now we should probably get changed if we want to go shopping we should head out soon."

My friends look at me weirdly. 

"What? I may not love dresses, but punctuality is a thing."

"Says the girl who slept in till eleven," Biana points out.

"Hmph," I snatch up my clothes and head to the bathroom. I open the door, humming quietly to myself when I see a shirtless Keefe brushing his teeth. "AH!" he turns towards me, foamy toothpaste running down his chin.

"Hey, Foster," he wipes his mouth and spits. "Fancy seeing you here," he smirks.

"You could have locked the door."

"Why would I? I'm brushing my teeth," Keefe walks past me, still with no shirt, and winks. "You like my abs? Or are my biceps more attractive?"

I blush and try to hide my face with my hair. "I prefer the abs," I mutter to myself, but Keefe manages to hear me.

"Oh, you do! Noted," and with that, he walks away. I get dressed and do my thing, returning to the girls with a goofy grin on my face.

Curse you, Keefe's hot abdomen!

"Did you see Keefe shirtless?" Biana asks as I walk in. 

"How could you have possibly guessed that?"

"Woohoo! I'm on a roll!" she pumps her fists in the air. "Go Biana, go Biana, go Biana," she chants, doing the disco dance. 

"Go dog, go!" 


"Sorry, that just made me think of that." Biana starts chanting out the door, the rest of us following.

"So the boys are going to another shop in the mall," Biana says as the car doors slam shut, "and we are going to a store called Atlantis, don't worry, it's got everything," she puts the key in and starts the car. "We were going to take Mom, but we decided she should take the boys. She gets a little crazy when she's shopping."

Linh leans over to me and whispers in my ear, "it's true. She's Biana times one hundred."

"Can't wait for Biana's wedding dress shopping," I whisper back. We laugh heartily. 

"We're here!" Biana announces, and we all climb out of the car.

"That was qu-" I look around and I'm at loss for words. The mall is huge, and outdoors. There are really nice shops all packed in aisles, and there's a huge cover around the top of the complex, a see through plastic (at least I think it's plastic, though I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't) ceiling, one hundred feet in the air and open on the sides. "Woah..."

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