chapter eleven: biana's advice

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The fanart does not belong to me, it belongs to.... daceymaeart on Instagram? I don't know, I found it on Pinterest. 

Anyways, last chapter was quite the shocker. I originally intended to have no bumps in the road, but, if it makes their relationship stronger, so be it. 


*Keefe POV*

"I feel like I've messed up what could've been a great thing," I mutter to myself as I walk home in the rain. I look over to the other end of the sidewalk, where Fitz and Biana were walking. Glancing both ways, I stuff my hands into my pockets and cross the street, feet splashing in the puddles on the pavement. 

"What's up, Keefe?" Fitz asks.

"I messed up with Sophie."

"You two were together and you didn't tell me!!?!?" Biana cries. "I trusted you to tell me when you get together with someone!!!! I need you to swear it," she holds out a contract. "Sign here," she points to a line that says 'signature here.'

"No, we aren't dating!"

"Ohhh, she rejected you," Biana tucks the paper back into her bag. 

"How does it feel man?" Fitz bro hugs me. 

"NO! Could you guys just listen!" they immediately snap up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell..."

"Keefe, it's fine. You're going through something emotional. It's fine," Biana gestures to a park bench with a plastic rain cover, and we go to sit down. 

"As much as I would like to stay, I have to get to ASB club," Fitz starts heading down the street (the meeting's at his house), "see you later, Keefe!" I halfheartedly wave. 


"So after chemistry, Foster came over to Dex and I, and ditching was somehow brought up and Dex said that I had a reputation for ditching and still getting almost perfect grades. Just now, Foster texted me and asked why it was such a big deal. So I yelled at her and told her that it was none of her business. But now..."

"You think she was just trying to help?" Biana interjects, looking me in the eye. "You know Keefe, I think she was. But I don't think that 'being nosy' was the only reason you yelled at her."

"How did you know?" 

"I may not be able to read minds, but I do know everything relationships. But this relationship needs to be mended before you can take the next step," she looks up at the sky.


"You're catching feelings, Keefe. I see that look in your eyes whenever she's around. You're always staring; one time you were so close to drooling," Biana chuckles. "But not every relationship is perfect. So tell me what's on your mind."

"I guess... I guess... I guess... I guess it's... Fitz," I whisper.

"You're tired of Wonderboy being perfect?"

"No, I don't know. I guess it's just that whenever there's a problem, it just gets fixed. Where's my perfect fix?"

"No one has a perfect life; not even Fitz. So what's the real reason?"

"Fitz never cared! And I liked it like that! When I would come over at midnight, he wouldn't ask questions. If I hid my tears with a smirk, he would think that I'm fine. I liked that type of 'care'."

"Well, Sophie's different. She wants to know. She wants to help you. She wants to be there for you."

"But what if I don't want her to?"

"I think you do." Biana stares back up at the sky. "I know you do."

We sit there in silence for a moment, and I take in everything the Biana said. "I need to go apologize," I hug Biana, and she seems taken aback at first, but then embraces me back. "Thank you so much," I back away and start to run down the sidewalk. 

"Ahhhhh, young love..." 

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