chapter 39: xmas; presents and almosts

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*Sophie POV*

"Ahh," I fall into the couch. 

"That was tough," Keefe sits next to me, putting his arms behind his neck.

"Time for presents!" Bex squeals, running over to the overly decorated tree. 

"Come on, guys," Biana pulls me off the couch. 

"I hope you like what I got you," I say as everyone searches for their presents. I look for mine way under the tree, the scent of Christmas ripe in my nose. "Here's one," I say to myself, picking out one wrapped in T-Rex gifting paper. 

"That one's from me," Keefe says, gathering all his presents in his arms. "This is the most I've ever gotten. Thank you," he looks shyly at Edaline and Grady. Edaline hugs him, and even Grady looks sympathetic. 

"Enough with the sentimental stuff, let's get to opening!" Marella brightens the mood and tears apart the paper on her presents. 

"Cue the Christmas music!" Kesler connects his phone to Alexa and starts playing some Christmas jams. 

"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!" the triplets sing at the top of their lungs.

The next few minutes are filled with the sound of ripping paper, bags opening, 'thank you's and 'I love it's, and of course, the blasting Christmas music. It's a jolly time. 

Finally, I open Grady's gift to me. I unwrap the paper carefully, to find... a bat? "This has got to be illegal," my eyes widen when I see everyone else open their presents. 

"I don't think this is wise," Linh sets hers down. 

"You realize that you're not the only one with a weapon now, right?" Keefe looks judgmentally at the piece of metal. 

Grady perks up. "How did those get there? I only gave Sophie one!" he snatches all the other bats away. "It was supposed to be for self defense."

"For some reason, I have a hard time believing that."

Grady hands me everyone else's bats, "merry Christmas!" he says, ignoring my comment.  I grab them hesitantly. 


"You're welcome."

"Sophie! Your gift is beautiful!" Edaline exclaims as she pulls my paper mache horse out of it's bag.

"Thank you. It's really nothing," I blush, but I'm not being modest. The thing sucks.

She gives me a hug and kisses me on the cheek. 

"Foster," Keefe whines, "open my present!"

"Okay," I grab the T-Rex present, and take it apart carefully, wondering what could be in the box. I open the top, bubbling with anticipation, to find... "another box?"

"Oh, yeah! PRANKED! But seriously, your gift is in there."

I open the next box to find another box, and the next one to find the same. I'd say it was about my fifth time when I actually found the present.


Keefe reaches into the box, "paper's white, you know?" he grabs two thin sheets of sketching paper from the bottom of the box. "Merry Christmas, Foster."

I flip the gifts over. It's a drawing of me! "I didn't know you were such a good artist!" There's one with a blond girl standing with her back to the drawing, running her hand along a painting. I recognize it. The ditching spot! The next is one of me, Linh, Biana, and Marella, all with our arms around each other, beaming. 

"I was going to do one with the whole group, but I was too pretty to draw," he rubs the back of his neck and Grady gives him a dirty look.

I laugh. "Thank you, they're beautiful," I throw my arms around him. 

"No problem, Foster." I look into his eyes, and he looks intently back at mine. We stay there for a moment, enjoying the silence and each other's company.

"Okay, as much as you two are literally the perfect couple, you know we're literally right here?" Marella says impatiently. 

"She's right!" Grady states. 

"Oh my gods guys, did he just admit that he ships them?" Linh puts a hand over her mouth.

"This is it. The apocalypse. Mom, Dad, I love you guys." Fitz does a dramatic dying scene. 

Alden laughs. "There's no reason to worry, the world's not ending just yet."

"Dad! You gotta stop saying that!" Biana nudges the teal-eyed man. 


Now Della laughs, (okay, but like, how is her laugh so pretty?). "I think it's time for food, don't you agree? I brought mallowmelt!"

"We should eat our gingerbread houses!" Rex suggests.

"You mean the wrecked ones that are covered in frosting?" 

"Oh right," his face falls. 

"It's fine, sweetie, we'll have Della's mallowmelt," Juline assures her offspring.

All of the kids rush into the kitchen, accidentally hitting the tree, causing their parents to chase after them, (including Dex). Biana and Fitz head after them, followed by Linh, Tam, Marella, Alden, and Della. Grady and Edaline go arm and arm into the chaos, leaving Keefe and I alone. 

"Look at that," Keefe points up above us, where a stray piece of mistletoe hangs down, right above the space between our knees, which are touching slightly. 

"It's pretty, isn't it? It's fake though," I touch it, the rough faux snow rubbing against my fingers. 

"It is pretty. Reminds me of someone I know," I look back down to see him staring right at me. I look away to hide my blushing face. 

"Biana is pretty, isn't she?"

"Yeah. But she's not who I was talking about," I turn to face him again, noticing his cheeks are a light pink, almost invisible unless you look closely. He cups my face with his hand, which is warm and soft. It feels good. He leans in slowly. 

What? Is he... no! There must be something on my face! Oh my gosh, there's something on my face! Someone help me!!!

He's really close now. So close I can feel his breath on my cheeks. My heart flutters. 

Not again.

I lean in too, leaving only a sliver of space between our lips.

Not that that's the point! 


Keefe looks from my eyes, and then glances down at my lips. "I was talking abo-" 

"Time for dinner!" Grady calls from the kitchen. Keefe's hands slips from my cheek, and he backs away. 

"Good thing! I was getting hungry!" he stands, and extends an arm to help me up. "By the way, I was talking about you." I blush again, and walk to the kitchen to avoid the awkwardness. I can feel Keefe's eyes trailing me as I sit down, and he takes a seat across from me. 

Just my luck. Now I have to see his impossibly cute face devour delicious food. This isn't what I said when I asked for help.

I start plating when I see Fitz whisper something to Keefe, and I catch snippets of their conversation. Something about a kiss. 

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