christmas without you

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monday, december sixteenth
eight twenty-five a.m.

Y/N walked into her second class before she was bombarded with Christmas decorations.

There was an elf stuffed in a Christmas tree in the corner of her teachers classroom, a garland stretching over the head of the smart board, and hanging lights all around the walls of the room.

Y/N didn't mind the lights, she liked them more than the bright white lights.

Khlil walked up behind her. "Morning!"

"Hey.. what's with all the Christmas stuff? It's only two weeks away." She asked him as they walked over to their desks.

"It's fun to decorate! Don't you decorate your schools at home?" He asked.

"Ehh.. we grow out of it. In middle school, we decorated though. In high school, we mostly exchange gifts between friends, but it's not a class thing." She explained.

"That sucks." He said, smacking his teeth. She shoved him playfully before they sat down.

Ashton arrived later and class started a minute later.

"Okay, everyone. Before we get into the lesson, I want to explain a nice little activity before Christmas break." The teacher started.

Y/N looked at Khalil and Ashton weirdly for a bit.

"Our class will be doing Secret Santa! And I don't wanna hear 'aw, that's for little kids' because in ten years you guys are gonna miss childhood games like these." The teacher said.

Most of the students chuckled at that.

"Okay, so for those who don't know.." She glanced over at Y/N.

"Secret Santa is a gift-giving activity where you pull a name out of a hat, like so.." She was holding a Santa hat with a bunch of little foxes o papers inside.

She shook it up a bit before sticking her hand inside.

"Then you read the name that you chose, and you have to gift something to that person. You can't trade, you can't choose again, and true budget is twenty dollars. You cannot spend more than that." She explained.

Y/N nodded as Khalil translated the rules so it was easier for her to understand.

"Alright, I'm gonna come around with the hat and you'll pick one name. Once you've picked one, you can take a good look, remember the name, and rip up the paper, crumble it up, or something to get rid of it. No one can know who you got." The teacher continued.

She went around the class and let everyone take one paper from the hat.

She went over to Khalil, Ashton, and Y/N a let them pick names from the hat.

Y/N unfolded the little paper and glanced at the name. Khalil tried looking over her shoulder but she shoved him away before he could.

The name on the paper wrote "Jayden."

She looked up and around to who Jayden was. It was a girl with long goddess braids with gold cuffs on some of them.

𝗺𝘆 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗳𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿 // ℎ𝑖𝑡𝑜𝑘𝑎 𝑦𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚! 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now