nekoma's new manager

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A/N: just a thank you note for over 700 reads for this story!! TYSM AND IM GLAD YOU GUYS ENJOY THE STORY ILY ALL ''♡︎

Also, this is gonna be a long chapter, so I hope you enjoy this one! <3

A few months pass and you and Yachi have spent almost all of your time together. Mostly spending time studying for exams at your house because Hitoka enjoys it more over there.

You've been only once or twice but it is more fun hanging out at your house.

Your mom hasn't invited any strangers to the house lately. And she has tried a few times to gain your trust again by "spending mother-daughter time" with you.

You and Asahi both called bullshit. He has done a great job at keeping you out of the house whenever necessary.

You're fine with it, of course. She's tried countless times to form a relationship with but she's failed miserably every single time.

But that topic can be very depressing. So, let's change it to your wonderful, beautiful, lovely new girlfriend.

Hitoka Yachi.

At school, Yachi didn't want too many people to know you two were dating. She got worried that so many people would find out and her mom would eventually too.

So, the only people that knew were Asahi, Suga. Noya, Tanaka, and Kiyoko. Everyone else thinks you guys are still crushing on each other but to keep it secret, you told everyone you guys are just friends.

They seemed to believe it. Well, except for Tsukishima, who was still suspicious about it.

Today was the day before the training camp for the boy's volleyball team. You and Yachi were talking about it at lunch. You guys walked out to an outdoor courtyard that no one used anymore.

It was clean and looked nice and everything but most people forgot it was there, so that's where you and Yachi would spend most of your time during breaks and stuff.

Away from gossipers and people like Tanaka and Noya, who did nothing but tease you two.

You guys sat at a picnic table."So, you're coming with us?" She asked as she sat down next to you.

"Yeah, my brother doesn't want me to spend a week with my mom by myself while he's in a whole other city, so he asked Takeda-sensai if I could come." You explained.

"And what did he say?" She asked excitedly. "I can come and-" You couldn't even finish your sentence before Yachi threw her arms around you, trapping you in a loving hug.

"YAYY! NOW WE WONT HAVE TO BE APART FOR A WEEK!!" She exclaimed. You chuckled and softly patted her hands.

"Yes. Because one week apart would be horrible." You said, sarcastically. 

"Yes. Yes it would." She said. You rolled your eyes playfully and gently kissed the top of her head.

You guys started eating your lunch as she kept thinking of things for you guys to do while in Tokyo.

"I heard Nekoma's team got a new team manager." She mentioned. "Oh really? Good for them. Do you might know who it is yet?" You asked.

"I think it's a girl. I don't know her name yet. Kiyoko-san only told me this morning." She said, finishing up her onigiri.

"Wait, this is your first time going to Nekoma, right?" You asked her. "Yeah. Why?"

"Nothing. Just watch out for Yamamoto. He can be a lot." You warned.

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