Chapter 2: The Cahadras

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When you leave Rivendell, Frodo is leading the fellowship.

You wear your ranger armor and are armed with a bow, a quiver of arrows, a dagger, and a sword. All of which are standard issues.

The trek through the Misty  Mountains is relatively uneventful and lasts for several days. Until one day, you and the others set up camp for a long rest.

Sam cooks, and Boromir spars with Merry and Pippen. Aragorn smokes his pipe, while you and Legolas keep look out.

After a bit of keeping watch, a dark cloud comes over the mountains, moving against the wind.

"Legolas, what's that?" You ask pointing.


There's a clamor of everyone gathering their things,  banking the fire, and taking cover.

You take cover with the others under a bolder and in the underbrush.

All you can hear is the rustle of feathers and the squawk of crows. It's just that these crows are the largest ones you've ever seen.

Once the all-clear was given, you and your companions come out from under the cover.

"What was that?" Frodo asks, "They were too big to be regular crows.

"They were spies of Saruman." Gandalf says. "They're watching the pass. We'll have to take the way through the Cahadras."


All you can see is snow for miles. I'll be it, there's a nice view from here, but why is there so much snow?  You think.

It's hard for everyone to walk through the knee-deep snow, but it's even harder for Frodo.

You look back in time to see him trip and roll several feet back. Luckily, Aragorn catches him before he can roll down the mountain.

Once Frodo is on his feet, he checks for the ring. Panic crosses his face.

Don't tell me we've lost the ring! You think, jogging over to them. If anything to be another set of eyes trying to find it.

You get there just as Boromir picks up the ring.

"Boromir." Aragorn says.

  You slide your hand onto the hilt of your sword, as a feeling of unease overcomes you.

"It is a strange fate, that you should suffer such fear and doubt. Over such small a thing." Boromir says the metal chain that holds the ring clinks softly in the wind.

By now the whole company has stopped and is watching.

If he's trying to take the ring...can I stop him in time? You think.

"Such a little thing." He is looking way too intently at the ring for your taste.

"Boromir!" Aragorn says, warning permeates his voice.

Borimer jumps upon hearing his name.

"Give the ring to Frodo."

After a moment's pause, Boromir hands the ring to Frodo. "As you wish." He says, trying to laugh it off, at one point even ruffling Frodo's hair.

Frodo looks uncomfortable during the whole exchange.

You glance at Aragorn, like you, his hand had been on his sword hilt the whole exchange.

"May I have a word with you, please?" Aragorn asks Boromir before he can walk away.


"Hey Frodo, why don't you walk back to the rest of the group with me?" You ask.

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