Chapter 3: The Walls of Moria

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It's well after dark when you and the fellowship reach the entrance to the Mines. It's also much warmer, which causes you to remove your gloves and the hood of your cloak. You are also no longer carrying a Hobbit.

To get to the entrance of the mine, you have to go around a dark foreboding lake, that's below giant looming cliffs.

Several times someone slips or nearly slides on the slick green rocks, that make up the pathway. You can tell there is a lot of algae on the water's surface. As you walk, you begin to get a nagging feeling at the back of your mind. Do not touch the water. Do not disturb it. If possible don't even look in its general direction.

Explains the dried-up river bed we passed miles back. This high up the pool would have been a waterfall.

You figure you've reached the entrance when Gandalf stops and starts touching the rock face with his hand.

It confirms it when Gimil exclaims, "The Walls of Moria."

"Somehow this reminds me of when we stopped in that town for the Farmers Faire," Boromir says.

"Oh yes, just before we got to Tharbad. "

"What happened there?" Pippen asks.

"An archery contest, running for our lives, and accidentally losing our horses at the river crossing," You say, "We had to swim for the far shore. Also had to play a game of cat and mouse with Orc packs."

You pause for a moment then ask, "Does anybody else get this feeling we're being watched?" You ask, feeling a bit better acknowledging the pool was making you quite uneasy.

"I do," says Frodo, "I've been feeling it since we left Rivendell."

You flick your gaze to the cliffs above. You don't see anything out of the ordinary, only clouds obscuring a full moon.

I wonder if Faramir is looking at the moon right now too? You think, as the clouds slide away, revealing a brightly lit moon.

You see a new light, it's coming from the rock face Gandalf had been expecting.

You gasp in awe seeing what is now the shining image of an ornate gate. At the top are the swooping letters of Elvish. The gate and writing are in a silvery blue light.

"It reads The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak friend and enter." Gandalf says, pointing with his staff.

"What do you suppose that means?" Merry asks.

"Oh, it's quite simple. If you are a friend then you speak the password and the doors will open." Gandalf explains the yells something in Elvish at the doors.

They don't open.

Gandalf tries again.

The same results ensue.

Best settle in for a rest. This is gonna be a while. You think, taking a seat on a large rock, so you can view the lake.

Legolas takes a seat near you.

"There's something not right about the water, but I am unable to tell what it is." He says.

"I have the same feeling. It's been at the back of my mind since we passed the remains of the waterfall." Then you ask, "What do you think of that Speak Friend and Enter bit with the gate?"

"I'm not sure. The last time Dwarves and Elves were friends was before my time."

"You can't be that old." You say with a chuckle.

"You seem about the same age as I am."

"And how old is that?"


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