Chapter 9: Gollum

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When you reach the far shore, you pull the boat inland, and cover it with tree limbs until it's hidden from view.

You take from the boat, a some Lembas Bread, a water skin, and some more of that healing salve, in case you have to tend to your head wound.

You look across the lake, and see your friends running in the direction of Merry and Pippin. "Please be safe." You say, before leaving the boat.

Frodo and Sam are far enough ahead, you have to track them. It's easy enough to find their foot prints, but there is another set following them. The new set seems to be walking on all fours at times. You can tell by the presence of hand prints that look similar to a Hobbit's.


It's well after dark when you find them. They're sitting around a low fire, having a supper of, Lembas Bread.

"Frodo! Sam!" You call out on your approach.

"Y/n!" Sam exclaims. "Come take a seat, we got supper ready."

You sit by the fire, and take a piece of Lembas Bread.

"How did you find us?" Frodo asks.

"Followed your footprints. Gollumn is following you too. Saw his prints about a mile back. " You say before eating your piece.


That night, you keep watch, you wear your hood up, and your Rangers face mask. To a passer by, you'd be easily mistaken as part of the scenery.

It's around midnight, the fire has died down to nothing but coals. There's a chill to the breeze.

Then you hear a gravely sounding voice muttering.

You stay still, waiting to see if they pass or do you need to intercept.

"They're thieves. They're thieves. The filthy little thieves. Where is it?"

Gollumn comes into view. He looks like how Gandalf had described him. He's crawling over to where Frodo and Sam are.

Quietly, you leave your post, moving in a crouch.

Gollum is too preoccupied looking for the ring to notice you.

"Where is it? They stole it from us. My Precious. Curse them, we hates them! It's ours it is, and we wants it."

He reaches down to Frodo still asleep.

"HEY!" You shout, sounding the alarm.

Gollum jumps with a start, giving Sam enough time to tackle him to the ground.

He screams raspily and pushes them away from Sam, causing them to fall down.

Frodo jumps to help Sam.

You run to help them.

It's now a melee of limbs. You're not sure who's limbs are grabbing who's, but you're sure, it needs to stop and fast.

Gollum 's screaming at the sight of the Ring, is about to give you a headache.

Sam yells in pain.

You strike out at what you think is Gollum. Someone grabs your arm giving it a hard wench. You yell in pain too.

This continues until Gollum manages to get a good grip on Sam's neck.

When the limbs stop flailing, you realize you'd been trying to pin Sam's legs to the ground. There tussle ceases when Frodo unsheathes Sting and points it at Gollum's throat.

Gollum immediatley relaxes his grip a little, raises one hand in slight surrender.

"This is Sting. You've seen it before, haven't you, Gollum? Release him, or I'll cut your throat." Frodo threatens.

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