Chapter 8: The Breaking of the Fellowship

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While Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli, go off in search of Frodo and Boromir, you stay behind with Pippen, Merry, and Sam.

You gasp in shock, drawing your bow. Seeing the hundreds of Uruk-Hai, swarming Pareth Galen, armed to the teeth. 

"GET BEHIND ME!" You shout to the Hobbits, picking off several Uruk-Hai with your bow. 

The Hobbits scramble to take cover in the trees behind you. 

Boromir emerges from the woods, his sword drawn. 

"RUN!" He shouts to Merry and Pippin.

Right now, you don't care where he just came from, all that matters is reinforcements just arrived. 

"FIND THE HALFLINGS! FIND THE HALFLINGS!" The Uruk-Hai leader orders. He, like the rest of the Uruks,  is armor that looks like plates of metal. Mass-produced, without any thought of craftsmanship put into it. Each Uruk bears the ominous symbol of a white hand.

As you and Boromir fight the Uruks, he sounds the horn he carries.

This will either bring more Uruks or bring help. You think, having to switch from bow to blade.

The sound of the Horn of Gondor gives you the courage to press on. You cut down any Uruk, that gets past Boromir. While he does the same.

On occasion, he has to stop blowing the horn, but as soon as he can, it is heard once again.

Now what remains now is the Uruks leader.

He draws his war bow. It looks as wicked as the sword he and the others had been using.

There's no way! You think, trying to catch your breath. I can't bring him down in time!

The Uruks looses an arrow.

Something hard slams into your side, making you meet the leaf-strewn ground.

"Oof!" You gasp. There's a dull pain in your side.

You look up.

Boromir has an Uruk arrow protruding from his armor!

You scramble forward, staying low to the ground.

The Uruk fires another arrow, striking Boromir.

You give a war cry, as you swipe your sword upwards.

Your blade catches the bow, wrenching it from the Uruk's hands.

The bow lands somewhere on the forest floor.

A knife comes out of nowhere going for your face.

You step back, avoiding the blade.

You swing.

The Uruk easily parries your attack.

This keeps going until you hear, "SHIRE!" The Hobbits yell, charging in daggers drawn.

You glance in their direction.

They're scooped up by Uruks before you can draw your bow.

"NO!" Boromir chokes out.


You see a field of fireworks brighter than any summer festival.

Darkness envelops you.


When you come to, you're aware of a pounding pain in the back of your head. It reminds you of a Smith working at the forge.

You slowly open your eyes.

"Aragorn, Y/N is coming to!"

You can make out the form of Legolas. He's holding a piece of cloth to the back of your head.

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