Chapter 10: Mordor is on the Move

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That night, Frodo keeps watch, allowing you to finally get caught up on sleep.

Unfortunately, you're jerked out of your sleep by a screeching Nazgûl screech.

Sam jumps up.

Gollum Screams.

"Black Riders." Sam yells in alarm.

"Hide! Hide!"

Frodo screams and grasps the spot where he was wounded by the Nazgûl blade, on Weathertop.

"Come on Frodo, come on!" Sam says as you and him drag Frodo into the cover of some bushes.

"Hurry, they will see us, they will see us." Gollum says.

You pull up your hood and ease your sword out of its scabbard. If the Nazgûl finds your spot, you're ready to fight.

"I thought they were dead." Sam whispers.

"Dead? No, you cannot kill them. No." Gollum replies.

But you can stall them. You think.

Now you see the Nazgûl is astride a Fell Beast. The beast looks like a Fire Drake has a baby with some lesser armored reptile.

The Wraith passes over.

You grip your sword reassuringly. It's either this or your hands would be clamped over your ears.

"Ahhh! Wraiths, wraiths on wings! They are calling for it, they are calling for the Precious."

Frodo is about to put on the Ring, but Sam stops him in time.

"Frodo. It's all right."

Everyone breathes a collective sigh of relief when it finally flies away.

"Hurry, the Black Gate is very close." Gollum says.


You pull up your hood and facemask as you ascend the rocky outcropping. There hasn't been any vegetation for the past couple of miles, so you have to use rocks as cover.

You have arrived at The Black Gate of Mordor.

"Oh save us. My old Gaffer would have a thing or two to say if he could see us now." Sam whispers.

"My whole family would be having a litter of kittens if they saw me here." You whisper.

"Master says to show him the way into Mordor, so good Sméagol does, Master says so."

"I did." Frodo replies.

"That’s it then, we can’t get past that." Sam says.

You watch a collum of Southrons march towards the gate. You can't make out what's being yelled, but the army yells it back in response.

"I agree. We need to find an alternate route."

A horn blares.

You see trolls working a crank to open the gates.

"Look. The gate. It’s opening." Sam points out. He climbs further out onto the ledge.

"Wait. Sam, it isn't safe!" You say.

"I can see a way down."

The ledge gives way under Sam, sending him down the rocky face!

" Sam! No!" Frodo calls, as you and him follow Sam.

Two soldiers separate from the group to examine the falling rocks.

You and Frodo slide down to Sam. He attempts to pull Sam, out of the gravel he wedged himself into but is unsuccessful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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