Chapter 5: Durin's Bane

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After listening to you, Gandalf pauses for a moment, listening.

He hears something too. Something big and scary approaches.

"To the bridge of Kazahad-Dûm." He announces to the fellowship. As the screeching gets closer and louder.

You sheath your sword and ready your bow. You knock an arrow but don't pull on the bowstring. So you're ready but you won't tire yourself or the bow out before you run into more Orcs.

Run into more Orcs you do. As soon as the Fellowship leaves the Mosuleaum, you are met with an influx of Orcs so great, that all you can do is run for your life.

Orcs come streaming out of cracks in the floor, down the endless pillars from floors above, out of hidden doors and hatches, and Orcs some seem to be popping out of thin air.

The Fellowship stops, unable to go any farther. You are completely surrounded by Orcs.

What are we gonna do? There's too many! You think, waiting for Gandalf's orders.

A deep roar reverberates throughout the mine.

The Orcs give a different-sounding screech then flee as quickly as they had swarmed.

That's not a good sign. You think, your gaze darting around the chamber.

With each drum beat and growl, an angry red glow, like the light of several bonfires, approaches from a corridor.

"What is this new devilment?" Boromir asks.

"Something not good." Pippen squeaks.

A grave expression settles on Gandalf's face. "A Balrog, a creature of the ancient world. It's a foe that is beyond any of you."

Any fear you had from the Mines is beginning to double and triple as the light approaches. You're rooted to the spot, the building fear holds you captive.

"RUN!" Gandalf shouts.

As if a spell has been broken, you take off running again, without the need to be told twice.

The double doors ahead gives way to a large chamber with stairs leading off in different directions. What looks like miles ahead, stretching across a chasm is the bridge.

The fun thing about Moria, it's not the best place to go running blindly about. The Fellowship learns this quickly, as everyone including Gandalf nearly pitches off a stone landing.

"We'll ne-" Frodo says, as a new swarm of Orcs opens bow fire from the various sides of the stairs.

"That's called motivation!" You say, firing back arrows along with Legolas and Aragorn.

You, Legolas, and Aragorn provide cover for the Fellowship as you continue to run for the bridge.

There's another roar.

You glance back.

Back at the entrance, you see it. The Balrog!

Fear grips your heart seeing the monstrosity.

It's a massive creature that's easily forty feet tall. Fire is its element, judging from the flames that surround it.  In one hand is a a stabbing tongue of fire; in the other, a whip of many thongs.

You force yourself to continue.

Aragorn leads the fellowship to the top of a stairway...Gandalf follows, leaning heavily on his

Aragorn looks at Gandalf, concerned.

"Gandalf?" You ask, firing an arrow. You hit a Goblin archer.

"Lead them on, Aragorn. The bridge is near."

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