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Andy Barber had worked hard to get where he had got himself presently. With a law degree under his belt, he'd previously been a assistant district attorney for Middlesex County before deciding to pack up and start out with his own business.
His former boss Lynn Canavan had been fully supportive, even putting him in touch with the right people to help get him on the ladder.

And boy had he climbed.

After being in the courtroom for many years, and with his experience, Andy had decided he simply wanted to take a step back from that and instead run his own firm but also provide education on criminal law to those who wanted to venture into it. He'd give talks at universities or to other lawyers who simply wanted a refresher.

To say he kept his audience focused was an understatement.

Andy simply had a way about him that would hold everyone's attention. It was quite possibly the way that he chose to convey his points across. It had been the same in the courtroom, except he'd needed that to win his cases.

He wasn't a man who liked to flaunt his achievements around. Sure it was nice to have his firm well known and respected around Colorado, however he himself choose to keep himself to himself - something that you would not think if you attended one of his talks or even saw how he was in court.
Andy enjoyed his own company, only having to talk to his employees if entirely necessary (the usual team meetings, appraisals and whatnot), but behind the closed doors of his home? He was a lone wolf. Just how he liked it.

The less people stuck their nose into his private business the better.

He had no friends as such, just a couple back in Boston but even then he rarely kept in contact. Just the odd 'Merry Christmas' message or one to wish them a happy birthday.

Being introverted as he was, it was even rare that he'd make appearance at any staff events or parties that he'd planned. Not because he looked down on them, but because he wanted to avoid the art of conversation as much as possible. He saw these people enough everyday at work. Besides, who'd like the idea of drinking with their boss?

Andy liked to think he was a fair boss, and if you asked his staff then they would agree - even if they did rarely see him.

Now as he went to sit back in his office, his brow knotted again in thought at the young woman who had just walked through the doors of his establishment. She was eager, and that was a positive. He'd got the impression she wanted to make better or herself - and he wasn't going to deny someone the opportunity of wanting to do that, especially as they had chosen his business to do so.

He had been taken by her instantly, something that shocked even himself.

She was pretty, much younger than he was (He was late thirties even if he felt older), but she'd drawn him in within an instant. Not because of her eagerness, but because there was just something about her that had made him feel alive when he had been feeling anything but that.

Andy would hire her for sure, he had already made up his mind to. There was a desk outside of his office as he'd been looking to hire a personal assistant to take a weight load off of Heather, who currently was juggling literally of the admin plus his.

It would be beneficial for everyone.

Sitting back he buzzed through to the front desk, "Heather, you wouldn't mind bringing me another coffee would you?"

"Be right there Mr Barber". Came her voice, then appearing five minutes later with a fresh cup. "Anything else sir?"

"Yeah, did Miss Sheridan leave a copy of her résumé? I wanted to look it over before she comes in tomorrow".

Heather shook her head. "No, but I've got her contact details, want me to call and ask her to email it".

"That's fine, just give me the contact details and I'll do it while I have five minutes". He said, logging back into his laptop while Heather sent the details to him.


Fliss slung her bag onto the couch as she returned back to her apartment, and then flopped down next to it.

What. A. Morning.

"How did the great job search go?" Steph, her roommate asked, coming into the room and waiting expectantly for her friend to say that she'd got nothing.

"Ergh, don't ask, although I did get one interview, for tomorrow". Fliss sunk back into the cushions and closed her eyes.

"Oooooh, where for?"


Steph looked a little surprised, "What the law firm? Don't you need a degree to work there? Like, in law?" Crossing the kitchen she began to make herself a drink.

"Not for work- anyway the guy who runs it was there and asked me to come in tomorrow at noon, so I guess that's a win". She shrugged and then looked up at Steph, "I know, I know - I still owe half of last month's rent, but it looks like I could possibly land a job that'll pay better than what I have now".

Her friend sighed and perched on the edge of the couch beside her. "It's fine. Besides it's not like you're not looking for anything. I can cover us for the next few months anyway if things don't go well tomorrow - not that I'm saying they won't, but just in case".

Fliss nodded, "I know what you mean", and then sat up to rummage around her purse. "I've got twenty dollars? That's something at least..." She passed it to her, but was given it back.

"I don't need anything now".

"But it's still something".

Steph smirked and got up again. "Just keep it for now -" and was cut off as Fliss's phone began to ring.

She looked down at the screen, seeing an unfamilar number but answered anyway. "Hello?"

"Is that Miss Sheridan?"

"It is?"

"Hi Felicity, it's Andy Barber. You came into the office earlier".

Fliss almost dropped the phone in surprise. "Oh, yeah I remember that..." she cursed inside for sounding like an idiot once again. Thankfully he didn't seem to notice.

"I was wondering whether you could email me a copy of your résumé over, just so I can look over it before we meet tomorrow?"

She mouthed to Steph for a pen and notepad, and her friend brought it over, mouthing 'who is it?' excitedly, only to be waved away. "Okay, sure, what's the address and I'll send it over now".

"AndrewBarber@Barberslaw.com" He confirmed as she noted it down.

"Got it, I'll send it over now"

"Thanks Felicity, I'll see you tomorrow".

Before she could reply he'd ended the call. Steph was on her immediately. "So who was it? Another interview?"

"No, the same one from earlier, just wants a copy of my résumé". Fliss said and went to find her laptop.

Steph followed her through into the bedroom and watched as she sat down and pulled up her email, typing in the address and attaching the file she needed. "Do you think he'll offer you the job?" She now asked.

A shrug came from her. "I don't know, they have loads of enquiries and stuff. I'll soon find out tomorrow".

"Well I've got everything crossed for you, fingers, toes, even my legs!"

Fliss hoped so, because she'd need all the luck in the world to land even just the job of making coffee for Barbers law firm.

Obsession (Dark!AndyBarber AU)Where stories live. Discover now