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Fliss looked at herself in the mirror.

She wanted to make an effort but not have it seem as though she was making too much. It was only dinner with her boss after all. She couldn't have him think that she wanted something more or to lead him on as such. Sending the wrong signals could be very bad for her career that had barely just begun.

Tonight, Fliss had opted for a rollneck knit sweater dress with some leggings and boots. Andy's home wasn't too far to walk and in fact he lived much nearer to her than she had first realised. If Steph was here now then she'd be making her wear something slutty, no matter the weather.

Applying another layer of mascara, she seemed pleased with how good she looked (effortless if she was honest) and grabbed her bag, coat and scarf...

It really did compliment her outfit.

Andy was right. He did have good taste.

The snow had held off thankfully and walking the few blocks to Andy's she soon found the right house. It was in a nice and quiet residential neighbourhood, well, a cul-de-sac to be precise. She spotted his Audi immediately and double checked the number on the mailbox before heading up the driveway.

He opened the door a couple of moments after she'd knocked and smiled. "Evening Felicity".

"Andy". She smiled as he stepped aside to let her in.

There was something about the way she said his name. It was even better than he'd imagined.

Taking her coat (and scarf so he noted), he went to hang them up before showing her into the kitchen and offering her a drink. Fliss held up the red. "It's too boring drinking it alone".

He chuckled and took it from her. "Red it is" Filling two wine glasses, he passed one to her, both of them taking a sip. "And that was certainly a good choice".

"My favourite one" she told him.

"I'll keep that mind". Andy smiled and took another sip, eyes fixed on her over the rim of the glass. "Haven't had a decent glass of wine in ages, gotta be honest. I'm more of a 'crack open a beer on a Saturday night' guy".

Fliss leant against the island counter and now watched as Andy now began to chop some peppers. "Anything you want me to do?" Watching his hands control the knife skillfully chopping away.

"If you want to? The mushrooms are gonna need cutting up - you do eat mushrooms, don't you? Kinda forgot to ask what you like and don't - I guess I also should've checked whether you actually eat meat..."

"Andy, it's fine, I eat meat, mushrooms, all of it". She now assured him, rounding the counter to stand by his side. "Ok, so chopping them up small?"

"Yep, that's fine" He confirmed, putting the peppers into the pan with the ground beef, tinned tomatoes, and onion he'd put in there before she'd arrived.

Beginning to chop the mushrooms, Fliss could sense that Andy probably was a good cook if the smell coming from the pan was anything to go by. "I suppose you're the one who's always cooking for friends" She said, taking another mushroom to slice.

He didn't speak for a moment before he finally answered. "I, er...well I don't really have anyone here". Now feeling a little ashamed of admitting it. "Not many friends either, but that's just my choice. I've never really been a 'social butterfly'".

"What about family?"

He shook his head. "No one here, my mom passed a few years back".

"What about your dad?" Silence. He didn't really make eye contact but finally answered all the same. "Never really knew him. He left when I was a kid".

Fliss felt bad. "Sorry, I'm asking too many personal questions".

"It's fine" He shrugged, "How about you? You got family here?"

"I do, mom and dad moved here before I was born, and I have my grandma in Boston, along with my aunt and her family, my grandpa passed a couple of years back and I don't think it'll be long until grandma goes, she's not been well for some years so it's only a matter of time - as bad as it is for me to say that".

Andy nodded, "I'm sorry to hear that Fliss".

"Been worse since grandpa went but she wasn't great before that. Mom said she's just giving up - ow! Shit!" She dropped the knife onto the counter and wrapped her hand around her finger to stem the blood that now flowed from it.

"You alright?" Andy walked over and took her hand in his, opening it so he could look at the injury. "I've got some band aids, let's run it under water and I'll find one". He told her, guiding her to the sink so that she could was away the blood from her finger that was throbbing in pain.

Fliss kept her finger under the running water until Andy came back with a first aid kit, taking what he needed and then examining her finger carefully. "Let's get this wrapped up". He said gently, securing the band aid around it, not even realising that his thumb was caressing her skin out of comfort as he did.

"Thank you". She said quietly as he looked at her newly bandaged finger, then pressing his lips gently to it.

Her stomach flipped, and now as their eyes met they said nothing until he uttered his apology. "Sorry..."

Andy's release on her hand left her feeling more lonely than ever, even if he was standing right next to her.

He could either push her away or simply go with it with what she was about to do next, some new found confidence appearing. Silently, she turned his head to hers and kissed him gently.

He didn't pull away, instead taking her face in his hands and deepening the kiss. Tongue dancing with hers.

Eventually he pulled away. "We probably shouldn't have done that".

She nodded in agreement. "No...we probably shouldn't have, I'm sorry, I just..."

"It's alright, I understand". He reassured her.

"I feel so confused, I'm sorry..."

He put a finger to her lips, "Felicity, it's ok, you don't need to apologise. You've probably already guessed by now that I'm interested".
Taking her through to the living room he sat her down and passed her glass of wine to her. "I don't wanna cause you anymore confusion, and I certainly don't want to send mixed signals. If you don't feel comfortable and want to leave then that's fine, I can drop you home, but if you wanna stay, then I can promise you I'm not the guy who'll force himself on you or try anything shifty. You deserve to be treated right, and if my relationship history is anything to go by, then I wanna do this right".

Fliss looked at him and then took a sip of her wine. "It's ok, I know you'd never do anything like that . I want to stay".

He nodded. "You sit here, how about I finish up with dinner as planned and we can just enjoy our evening. We can always talk about this later".

She smiled. "I'd like that". He rose from his chair and went to make his way back into the kitchen. "Andy?" He turned, "if it's any consolation? I like how you kiss me".

Andy now chuckled, "well, perhaps later I'll do it again, if you let me?"

Felicity knew that she wouldn't be able to survive dinner, looking at him with the urge she had inside of her to feel his lips upon her own again.

"How about now?"

Obsession (Dark!AndyBarber AU)Where stories live. Discover now