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"See you tomorrow Heather". Andy nodded to the receptionist as the clock was dead on five. Depending on what he had in the diary, some days he'd leave earlier than this, and others a lot later.

"Have a nice evening Mr Barber" she replied as she finished shutting down the computer systems.

Heading out to where his Audi was parked, he got in and sank back against the drivers seat. "Shit". He muttered, as Felicity's face crossed his mind once more.
She wouldn't be starting for another week or so but already he knew he had to see her again.

No woman had ever really succeeded in capturing his attention like she had. And she wasn't looking to either.

This made him crave her more.

Usually women he'd first meet would be trying their hardest to impress, giggling at every little thing he had to say, moving their skirts a little higher. They simply wanted to be noticed by him.

Felicity Sheridan did not.

Andy had studied her demeanour during the interview. She was shy, embarrassed by some things she'd not meant to say for fear of causing offence or even losing her shot at a job. She'd been shaking at first, fingers playing in her lap.

This was not a girl who had come looking for a job because it was him she wanted.

She wanted the job to better herself. To open doors for her.

And why the fuck did that turn him on so much?

She was determined and didn't even realise it.

Pulling his phone from his pocket, he pulled up the details he'd saved. For employment reasons obviously, but it wouldn't help for his future reference. Home address, contact number, the name of where she worked.

And it wasn't too far from his home...

How convenient.

Maybe he'd see whether she was working a shift tonight,  he would just go grab some beers after he'd been home to get changed. If she was there and saw him in a suit then she'd recognise him in an instant.

He couldn't afford to fuck up.

Just a glimpse of her.

That was all Andy asked until he'd finally be able to lay eyes upon her everyday. He couldn't make it known he wanted to see her. She'd think him a creep.

This needed tact, and discretion.

Starting the engine, Andy headed for home, traffic at its usual tolerance for a Thursday evening. Thankfully it was all just congestion and no major hold ups.

He changed once he was home. Throwing on a gray shirt and some jeans. He pondered over putting on a cap but decided against it. That would just draw in attention when he didn't need it.

Slipping on a jacket, he grabbed his keys and made for the grocery store.

Walking in he grabbed a basket and picked up a few essentials. He was pretty sure he was out of milk, if not then he'd have enough at least. She probably wasn't working tonight but he decided to grabs some beers to go with the crappy TV dinner he'd picked up.

As he rounded the corner of an aisle he stopped, then backing up and out of sight.

She was here.

Andy looked to the shelf next to him and took some biscuits, pretending to study them when all the while he was catching glimpses of her, stacking some shelves.

She looked bored, and if he wasn't mistaken a little crestfallen.

Not long now and she'd be out of this place. He'd made sure of that.

His eyes went to her ass as she bent over to take something out of a box on her trolley and he couldn't help but stare at her. She had a great ass even if it was covered.  He'd snuck a glance when she'd come in for the interview.

Putting the biscuits into the basket he went down the aisle next to her so as not to raise suspicion, now watching her from the opposite end.

Grabbing a few other things he stole once last glance.

Enough to keep him satisfied for now, but not enough for it to last too long. He'd have to put in a call to her manager and get her out of here by the end of tomorrow.

He went and paid, looking back as he waited for the girl on the till to put the things into a bag, and saw Fliss now walking down in his direction.


Quickly he turned away, and paid for what he had, taking the bag and leaving before he could be spotted. Once he was back in his car he let out a sigh of relief and leant his head back against the headrest.

There was a thrill that now passed in his veins, knowing that she could've caught him there, but didn't. All the while she had no idea just how close she had been.

Andy smirked to himself and shook his head, starting the car and making for home.


Andy sat in his office the next morning, having come in earlier than normal.

By the time the clock told him that it was 9am he was on his phone and punching in the number of the grocery store.

"Hi there, this is Andrew Barber of Barbers Law Firm". He told the woman who now answered. "I've just recently offered a job to one of your employees and I'm gonna be needing a reference from you. Standard practice obviously, just how long she's been with you, what her work ethic is like..."

"Oh...right yes, and who's the employee?"

"A Miss Felicity Sheridan. If I give you my email address could you send that over. I'm going to be needing her to start asap with my company".

The woman sounded brighter now she knew who he was talking about, "Oh Fliss! Of course, she handed her notice in a day or so ago, we're gonna miss her - you said you weee needing her sooner?"

"Yep, I was hoping she'd be able to start by Monday next week". He now sucked his teeth.

"Let me just check the schedule..." the line went silent before she spoke again. "I mean we could do that, I'd need someone to fill in for her shifts if we do let her leave".

Andy nodded, "It's ok, I wouldn't wanna cause you any stress of finding someone to take her shifts. How about you email me that reference and just let me know if it's possible?"

"Of course, let me grab a pen" the woman said and took down his email as he told her. "Ok, I'll get all that done and will let you know of the outcome in the email".

"Thank you...who am I speaking to again?" He now asked politely. "Christine".

"Christine" he repeated, rolling the name on his tongue. "Well you've been a great help, sorry to take Fliss away from you". He laying on the charm.

He wasn't sorry, not at all - and later on as as he read over the reference that had been sent, he felt a rush of satisfaction. There was confirmation that Fliss would be able to start at the firm on Monday.

And for Andy? It couldn't come any sooner.

Obsession (Dark!AndyBarber AU)Where stories live. Discover now