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It was much easier to spend the weekends at Andy's rather than at Felicity's apartment. With hers, there was always a chance of Steph coming back or trying to gatecrash.

As much as she loved her friend. Fliss wasn't ready to introduce Andy to her just yet, no matter how much her friend had already begged.

Besides, being at Andy's? There was more privacy, more of a feeling that they were actually a real couple, living together and with no intrusions. They'd cook together, spend the evenings relaxing with a film or just generally being in one another's company.

It had now gone as far as her staying there through the week, with her even now having a wardrobe and drawer of spare clothes.

Things were becoming incredibly serious, and yet she still had nothing when it came to finding any traces of his wife or son. Still, he'd remained tight lipped about it - even when she'd tried getting a little more out of him.

Of course, he'd said nothing about Billy. Then again, she didn't expect him to. His father had gone to jail when he was a kid - he probably wouldn't even recognise the man if he saw him now. But he knew what had happened - she was sure that he did, and that was why he kept it inside.

To be honest, If Fliss was in his shoes, she'd not want to tell anyone about it either.

The secrets of his wife and son, she suspected, lay in his study - and she had not yet had the chance to try and see whether there was anything in there. Not because she was scared of being caught, but because right now? She was enjoying what they had.

Fliss was caught in doing the right thing and leaving the past well alone, but her curiosity was increasing as the weeks began to roll by. The study taunting her with the fact that anything she wanted to know, would be found in there.

She was going to find out the truth even if she didn't like what she could uncover.

It ended here.

And it ended tonight.

Even now as she sat outside Andy's office and looked at him through the glass, she could tell that whatever he was hiding was big.

His eyes met her own, staring at her as she now smiled and gave him a cheeky wink before getting back to her work.

She couldn't make her suspicions to him obvious.

Checking me out Miss Sheridan? I think you need reprimanding for procrastination

The text came through just moments later, Fliss biting her lip as she looked up to where Andy was watching before composing her answer.

What kind of reprimand were you thinking of Mr Barber? I'll admit that I've been a naughty girl.

She watched his brow raise in surprise before the last message came through.

Set your emails as 'out of office' and get your beautiful ass in here now. We're having a working lunch.


That evening as Fliss lay beside Andy in bed, she still could hear the niggling thoughts in her head, telling her that now was her chance. 

Could she really risk it and do this? 

She had to. 

If Andy wouldn't tell her then she'd just have to find out what had done on for herself.

Looking across, Andy was sleeping soundly as she silently slipped out of bed, looking back to make sure that he wasn't awake and would enquire as to where she was going, and whether she was ok.

She made it to the hallway, glancing back one last time to see that he was still asleep, then creeping out and down the hall to where she knew the study was. 

Quietly, Fliss turned the doorknob, hearing the small click and opened the door, tiptoeing in and trying her hardest to see what she was looking for with only the light from the streetlights outside as the only source of visibility. 

What to look for? And where to look? 

The desk...

She walked over and opened a few drawers, looking through but finding nothing that was a red flag to her. 


As she looked through the shelf, she pulled out what looked like an album, seeing that it was exactly that, and looked through it. 

Baby pictures, but they didn't look old, and after a few pages she recognised the woman who was Andy's ex as well as the boy from the other picture. 

It was obvious. 

He most certainly had a son. 

So why keep it from her? Especially now they were more serious in their relationship?  There were a few loose pictures at the back of the book that hadn't been put in. Looking more from the last few years before the age of iPhone's had taken over. Some looked like they'd been printed from an iPhone as well, as the boy looked around the age that he did in the picture she'd found at the office.

"Who are you?" She whispered to herself as well as the picture of the boy who was smiling a little awkwardly, probably embarrassed to have his photo taken or that he'd seen it as an 'inconvenience'. "And more importantly...where are you?"


Her heart began to race as the voice behind her in the doorway now made her jump. She turned as Andy's form now stood there watching her and what she was doing, before he switched on the light and came into the room.

He looked calm; however, she'd seen this look before when she'd discovered the picture at the office. 

He wasn't happy and would soon voice this to her. His eyes looking from the baby book before they came to rest on her.

"Felicity? What are you doing in here?"

Obsession (Dark!AndyBarber AU)Where stories live. Discover now