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Andy crouched down by the grave and sighed, laying the flowers he'd brought with him on top of it. 

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry". He muttered to the headstone with the hope that perhaps she would hear his apology. Hopefully, wherever she was, she would hear him and accept it. 

Her name was etched into marble, the gold lettering making it stand out along with the dates of what had been her short life. Her picture above her name, framed in gold to match the letters. 

"Just know that I'm not like him - I swore I wouldn't be". He now said, before getting to his feet and feeling a hand on his shoulder. 

Fliss smiled lightly at him. "I'm sure she knows that you're not". 

Julia was probably the only member of the family who knew that. The rest of them had cut Felicity off as she had told them that she was in a relationship with Andy, and that she didn't care what they would say. 

She was never giving him up. Even now the engagement ring on her finger signified that. 

Her mother had been distraught, telling her daughter that Andy would be the death of her.

Like father like son, wasn't that the saying? 

She hadn't even given him a chance, and Felicity understood her pain, even if she felt it herself at her mother's harsh words. So, for the sake of not putting her family through anything else, she had cut ties and hadn't seen or heard from them since.

That had been almost a year ago, and now, she and Andy had made the trip to Boston to lay flowers on Julia's grave as well as Jacob's. 

On going to walk out with the intention of leaving a year before, Fliss had stopped short of the door, hearing his footsteps and realising that she couldn't do it, and even more so when Andy told her to wait just for a moment - then bringing her the scarf he'd kept and giving it back to her. 

"So you don't get cold..." 

Needless to say at that moment, Felicity Sheridan knew for a fact that Andy Barber was nothing like his father at all. 

He was a far better man.

"Don't let me then..." She'd told him and then kissed him deeply. 

She'd never left since then and they had been better for it. For each other. 

Time proved to be a great healer, and slowly but surely pictures of Jacob began to be put back up as part of the process. Andy had begun to open up about his son and what he was like, what his hobbies were. Jacob Barber had sounded like a typical teenage boy, but a clever one at that. Felicity was just sad that -like Julia - she would never get to meet him. 

"Ready to go sweetheart?" He now asked her after a while of them just standing there in contemplation. 

A silent surveillance to the woman who had seemed to bring them closer together, even though they'd not known it at first. 

Fliss nodded and looked up at him as Andy now leant down to kiss her gently. 

"Yeah, I'm ready".

She slid an arm around his waist as he did so to her, both of them heading out of the graveyard and to the car. 

It would probably be their last time in Boston for a while.

Life was in Colorado, and life was only really just beginning for them both with a wedding to plan and see through - but at least they were doing it with one another. 

Felicity couldn't think of anyone else she wanted to spend the rest of her days with, even after the ups and downs they'd had. But what was a relationship without a few bumps in the road to challenge them? It wouldn't be healthy otherwise. 

It had all started with the determination of securing a job on her part.

And a scarf on his...


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