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Fliss was even more nervous than she had been from just going into the law firm yesterday to regard about a job, and now here she was checking her watch every five minutes to make sure she'd be on time.
She was actually running ten minutes early but was still conscious that she'd be late and would end up being called out for shoddy timekeeping.

That was not interview etiquette at all

Heading through the doors she had been so anxious to pass twenty four hours prior, she was met with the sour face of Heather who was currently talking on the phone and obviously was pretending to ignore her. Fliss waited patiently until she was off the phone and went to open her mouth.

"I know, Mr Barber's noon appointment..." She jabbed a finger through the air in the direction of the waiting area. "I'll let you know when he wants you".

"Ok, thanks".

"Good luuuuuuuck" Heather sang in such a way that it was clearly sarcasm. In fact Fliss was sure that there was an eyeroll there as she turned her back, yet she wasn't about the let the snooty bitch get to her.

She was worth more than just being a coffee girl, and she'd make damn well sure that Andy Barber knew that.

Settling herself down on the chair, Fliss smoothed out her skirt, and looked around. The law firm was a newish modern style building that had clearly been built for its purpose. It was set just on one level, but at a large scale. She had no idea how many employees Mr Barber had on roll, however they each held an office of their own. Fliss supposed that with such a demanding job, you would probably need all the quiet that you could get.

The click of Heather's heels on the marbled tile made her look up. "Mr Barber is ready for you..." she looked down her nose at Fliss.

Standing up she took a deep breath and followed the receptionist to a door where etched onto the plaque on it, stated who dwelled inside.


Heather knocked on the door and then tottered away in the four inch heels that she clearly had trouble walking in.

"Come in" Andy's baritone voice could be heard on the other side of the door.

Fliss took another deep breath.

Confident. Cool. You can be better than Heather, you just have to prove it. Her mind encouraged her on as she now opened the door and cautiously walked in.

Andy was looking at something on his laptop, however he sat back now that the pretty girl who was entering his office closed the door behind her.


He liked the name, however saying her full name triggered even more inside of him. She'd not even opened her mouth to speak yet and already he found himself slightly loosening his tie. "Good afternoon Miss Sheridan" He gestured for her to take a seat on the other side of his desk and watched intensely as she perched on it.

"Good afternoon Mr Barber...thank you for taking time out to see me, I know you must be pretty busy".

He waved this off and sank a little in his chair, one foot turning it gently from side to side. "Thank you for coming".

He wished.

"I looked over the résumé that you sent..." He began

Fliss bit her lip, "Yeah...I know, I've been at the grocery store since school, and if I don't get out soon then I'm pretty sure I'll be there until I die". Nervously laughing and then muttering, "and I really shouldn't have said that".

Andy's mouth turned into a warm smile. "It goes to show you're committed though. I like that. Other people in your position would've left sooner". His eyes trailed over the slender leg that was now crossed over the other, skirt ridden up slightly more from where it had sat above the knee.

He shifted a little so as to prevent himself from getting into an embarrassing situation.

Felicity smiled a little shyly, still looking rather tense in some ways while she perched on the chair. Andy noted she was fiddling with her hands in her lap. "Can I get you a drink or anything?"

"Oh, no, I'm fine - I just haven't done one of these in ages..." She admitted.

He drummed his fingers on his desk. "So. Are you looking for just experience or an actual job?" Wanting to be sure that they were on the right page.

"I didn't know whether you were actually hiring, so if not then experience would be fine, however a real job? That would be even better".

"Just as well I'm going to offer you that then". He told her and now sat up, returning to a more professional stance. "Heather does most of the administration around here for everyone, however it would be ideal that my meetings and diary dates etc were kept separate from that. Hence why I need a personal assistant".

"Does Heather know this?"

"Not yet however she complains about the mountain of work on a daily basis. I'm simply keeping people happy, and making both our lives easier. The job is yours if you want it. Usually it's keeping track of my diary, adding anything there, forwarding emails. Sometimes I'll have people come in to see me..."

"I can do it". There was the embarrassing eagerness she'd shown yesterday, "I mean...I can handle things like that..." now she trailed off.

His eyes met hers, "Good, you seem like a hard worker. It's a large firm and sure not every day is a walk in the park, but I'm not a boss who will only focus on the negatives - too much of that shit in any job you might go to apart from the couple of exceptions. It's rare though".

Now he was staring straight into her soul so it seemed. Fliss was trying not to melt where she sat.

Had the room suddenly got hotter?

"You'll be rewarded for your achievements".

If she wasn't so focused on nailing this interview then she'd be deceased, and they'd be carrying her out in a body bag by now. But there was something in his manner of speaking that held her attention, and drew her in even more. So much that it was hard to look away.

But she did and now nervously tucked some hair behind her ear. "I'm glad...places like this are hard to find..."

Andy smiled. "Well the job is yours if you want it? It'll be the usual probationary period - I'll review your progress after six weeks and we'll go from there".

"Is there no one else who you have to interview for this position?"

"Nope, just you" He confirmed, "however if you do need to time consider..."

"No!" She jumped in quickly. "No, I'd love to accept. If you're that sure of me that is?"

He now sat back a little more, not being able to help but still take in the young woman who was about to makes things just that little more interesting from now on.

"I've never been more sure of anything, Fliss"

Obsession (Dark!AndyBarber AU)Where stories live. Discover now