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Fliss had brought a new dress for the occasion. 

Not too obvious that she was trying to make too much of an impression, but enough to leave little to the imagination - just how she liked it. 

He would notice. 

He always did. 

How slender her legs would look even more so than they did in her skirts for work. 

How the low cut would tease him into wanting her even more so than he already did. 

How she'd chosen to wear no panties, just to speed up the process even more. But he wouldn't know that, not until he'd choose to run his hand up her thigh like he sometimes did when she brought him his coffee or files. 

She went to check on dinner, a casserole that was a family recipe. 

Nothing could go wrong tonight. 

Fliss hoped that considering she'd been teasing her boss all week, that perhaps tonight would go further than it had done the weekend before. 

And she would be the one to initiate it. 

Checking the time for the fifth time in the space of fifteen minutes, it was almost time for Andy to show. 

That was if he did...

What if he didn't come? 

What if he had decided against it all because of how she'd teased him? 

What if he didn't show just to play her at her own game - like she was playing against his? 

She didn't have time to answer, as the buzzer now went and made her jump a little. 

Andy Barber had arrived...


He'd come straight from work after a late meeting had overrun - something that he wasn't too happy about. 

It was fine though; he'd taken off his tie and opened the top couple of buttons of his shirt. Rolling the sleeves up just so he wasn't all 'formal boss' for the woman who had invited him over. 

She saw it enough every day.

She'd only seen a small side of him 'off duty', so to speak. 

He wanted her to know him for him, but not enough to raise the demons that were trying to crawl their way out of the graves that he'd buried them in. 

Now as he stood at the buzzer, it took him a few moments to pluck up the courage to press it. Finally doing so after his inner thoughts told him that he couldn't stand out in the cold all night. 

Just push the damn button you idiot. 

The door that led into the foyer of the building was opened, and he was let in, walking down the hallway before finding the number of the apartment he was looking for. 

She opened the door before he even had the chance to knock on it. 

"Good evening, Mr Barber". 

Holy shit...she looked edible. 

"Miss Sheridan" He wetted his lips as she let him into the apartment, feeling his mouth go dry at the sight of her. Her look was flawless as he usually found her. "You look beautiful". 

Her lips turned their usual shade of pink as they always did when he complimented her. "Thank you, Andy". 


Why was it that the world just seemed to stop whenever she said his name? 

Because it was her...

"Got the wine" He now held up a bottle in his hand, having remembered the one that she liked and going to the store to grab it before he'd arrived at her place. 

"You remembered it was my favourite?" Fliss now took the bottle and studied it. 

He nodded, knowing that he remembered everything that she told him. Andy had hung onto her every word. 

"I wanted to make sure I remembered for future reference". 

"That's sweet of you". Now trying to hide the obvious blush, she turned away and showed him into the kitchen/living area. "It's not much, but it's home" 

He looked around. Felicity was always neat and tidy, and her apartment showed that in its appearance. Even if she did have a roommate, the place was still spotless. "It's nice. Homely".  Which was more than could be said for the house he lived in. 


For Andy, his home felt like a never-ending hole in which to disappear, with rooms that he wasn't sure he even needed or would use anymore now that he thought about it. Living alone made the home seem so much bigger without any other person to share it with. Having Fliss over last weekend had made him realise that much. 

He watched her open the wine and pour a glass for them each, eyes keeping themselves on the liquid in concentration as she managed to get the same amount in each. 


She was perfection as well as everything she did, though she would probably deny this greatly if he were to tell her that. 

Sure, they said that no one was ever perfect; Andy certainly wasn't but with Felicity? He simply could not find any fault with her, no matter how hard he'd studied her. 

"Here you go - another week survived". She smiled, passing him the glass and toasted to making it through. 

"And many others to get through". He smiled back at her, the glasses clinking against one another before they both drank. The wine hit the back of his throat as he welcomed it after a very frustrating and busy week. "Unless you're planning on resigning?"

Fliss smirked. "Oh, I have no intentions of leaving you high and dry, Mr Barber..." She was now sporting a knowing look, almost sultry. Andy knew exactly what she had meant by the comment.

"Well, that's a relief". He stared at her from over the rim of his glass as he took another sip. "Because I don't plan on doing so with you either..." 

Obsession (Dark!AndyBarber AU)Where stories live. Discover now