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Andy watched Fliss working from over the rim of his coffee cup that she had brought him just an hour before. The coffee itself had gone cold, which never happened, however he was distracted by how pretty she looked today, in a blouse coloured fuchsia with a skirt that seemed to be shorter than the ones she had worn last week. 

Just yesterday she'd worn a pant suit that looked even better when she'd bent over her desk to reach for something. 

Her legs were beautiful, something he could never quite take his eyes from. He'd rather them be wrapped around his neck if he was perfectly honest, but beggars couldn't be choosers. 

Andy Barber certainly didn't beg. Not of anything or anyone. 

He was a far cry from the man he had been. 

Fliss was busy studying her screen, brow fixed in concentration as he turned back to his laptop, drinking the cold coffee simply because she'd made it and still somehow it tasted ok. Before she'd come along he would've asked for fresh cup to be made. 

His phone rang and he answered it, knowing that it was Fliss putting a call through. "Hey Fliss" 

"Lynn Canavan is on the line for you Mr Barber". 

Her voice was like honey. Delicious and sweet just as she was. 

"Thank you, put her through". He told her, eyes fixed through the window as she pressed the button and put the phone down. "Hi Lynn..." 

"Andy, how are you - sorry I called you then you called me and we kind of missed one another". Lynn sounded apologetic, but he would accept that. She was his ex boss and wouldn't ignore a call from him. 

He got comfortable, knowing the call would probably be a long one. "The usual, eat, sleep, work repeat". There was a small chuckle that escaped him now. "How's everything back in Boston?" 

"Busy, but not as busy as it has been - still enough to make me have a glass of red or two when I get home though".  She paused. "Well you sound a lot brighter than when we last spoke?" 

"Probably because you called me when I was half asleep". He balanced the phone between his ear and shoulder, now looking through his phone. "So this is a checking in call, making sure I'm still alive?" 

"Considering it's been a month or two since our last conversation I was worried"

He smiled to himself. "I've been busy, lot of meetings, few of my staff have had some rather intense trials, that and I'm giving talks to law school students...it's been a lot". 

"But hopefully not enough to weigh down on you". 

"Lynn...you really don't need to check up on me. I'm alright - really. Everything's great. The firm is my focus". 

And so was someone else...

"I'm glad" Came her reply. "Plus I heard about you being voted top agency in Colorado. Well done". 

"I have a good team" He said, looking through a few emails as he spoke to his former boss. "So what's the deal with the Hansen case? Or are we not allowed to discuss that for fear of confidentiality?". He smiled knowing and knew she was to. 

Lynn made an 'ugh' sound. "Don't. The whole thing is a mess, and I know he'll walk away a free man". 

"You can only do what you can - you win some, you lose some, wasn't that always what we used to say". 

"Yeah, but if I recall you and I both hate that saying". 

Fliss now walked in a with a fresh cup of coffee and set it down in front of him with a smile. "I'm learning to lighten up a little". He told Lynn whilst looking to his assistant who was now taking his recently emptied cup. Her blouse open so it showed a little cleavage as she leant across to reach it. 

"Speaking of which, did you get a new receptionist? The girl who put me through didn't sound like Heather". 

"Because I've taken on a new assistant. She's dealing with my stuff so Heather doesn't have to, along with everyone else's. Just a better flow for everyone". 

"And how's she getting on?" Lynn enquired. 

Andy nodded to himself, eyes flickering back towards the window where he could see Fliss back at her desk and working away. "Very well, I certainly won't be getting rid of her anytime soon". 

"Glad to hear it, always good when you have someone efficient". 

"Oh she's that. Best assistant I've had - don't tell Heather" He smirked. 

Lynn snorted. "She doesn't class as that anyway. Right well if all is good then I'll let you go, we're both busy so it seems". She paused. "I know I always say it, but it's still not the same without you here Andy". 

"I'm sure Neal's doing a good job". 

"Neal is Neal. That's all I'm gonna say on that" Lynn told him with some amusement. "Just know that you're missed". 

"Not by Neal I hope". 

"Probably. Anyway, you're always welcome to come visit, even if you're in the area, which I know you probably won't be, but the invitation is still there". 

He was silent for a moment. "I'll speak to you soon Lynn, you take care of yourself". 

"You too". 

He put the phone down and sunk a little lower into his chair, massaging the bridge of his nose. 

"I can get you some tablets if you like? You look like you have a headache coming on?" Fliss now came in with some documents that he'd sent to print earlier. 

He looked up and smiled at her. "It's alright, but thank you for offering". Now looking at what she was wearing. "The colour suits you". 

Fliss looked down at her blouse and then back at him. "Oh, do you think? My friend Steph told me I needed something new, couldn't just come to work in the same two outfits. She's got hundreds" Now her cheeks turned a little pink. "And I am rambling". Laughing nervously and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she did. 

Andy grinned. "Ramble away, it's probably more interesting than any of these documents I have to sign".

"I'm not really an interesting person". 

He looked at her. "I'm sure that's not true, in fact - I know it's not". Smiling kindly at her. 

"How so?" 

Because you interest me, Felicity... He thought to himself, but wasn't about to admit that out loud. Instead choosing a not so creepier way of putting it. 

"I'm a good judge of character - I have to be in not just this job, but in my last too. So I can tell that you're not who you think you are". 

"Dare I ask who you think I am?" She now seemed a little intrigued. 

Andy's eyes met with hers. 

"Now that would be telling Miss Sheridan..."

Obsession (Dark!AndyBarber AU)Where stories live. Discover now