Heck Jung Wooyoung

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A/N A lot of chaos but also a lot of fluff and more of San's pov! ꒰♡˃̶̤́ ꒳ ˂̶̤̀ ꒱

A little more fluff for this chapter because I am weak for fluff (๑'>᎑<)~*

"Why is Mingi crying in the corner of your room?"

Wooyoung asked Yunho as all the members decided to gather in Yunho and Mingi's room to play games. Mingi was sitting in the corner ever since San arrived, he had brought his knees up to his chest and put his head in his arms.

"I won the battle so he has to stay like that until Wooyoung and I leave the room."

San answered, with a smug smirk.

"What the hell San? Why would you do that?"

"So he doesn't look at you?"

San answered with a confused face.

"That's fucked up, let the poor boy have fun too!"

Wooyoung said faking anger. He got up and went to Mingi to help him up. Once Mingi was back on his feet, San slapped Wooyoung hand away from Mingi's shoulder.

"No touching each other!"

He yelled, pouting.

"San, you're going beyond limits!"

Wooyoung yelled back, pouting too.

"Hongjoong, Wooyoung is talking back!"

San whined to Hongjoong.

"That's not true!"

Wooyoung argued back.

"Yes it is! You're talking back when Hongjoong clearly said you have to obey me! Now go seat in the corner! You're grounded!"

"You can't make me do that!"

"Yes I can!"

"No you can't!'

"Yes I can!"

And they argued like that for almost five minutes before Hongjoong got enough and screamed.

"Both of you shut up! You are both going to the corner! But because Wooyoung was bad, he'll

get spinach for diner!"


Wooyoung screamed.

"That was an awfully long 'no'..."

Whispered Jongho to some almost dying of laughter Yeosang and Yunho.

Mingi was still in the corner, looking at his feet.

"Wooyoung, shut it or you'll spinach for breakfast too!"

And for once, Wooyoung shut up. Not without mimicking his leader silently.

San and Wooyoung sat in the corner and then they argued by whispering about who was taking most of the place and how San's legs were on Wooyoung's side but Wooyoung's hand was on San's side.

The rest of the members went back to playing Monopoly with Mingi taking the role of Wooyoung and San.

After almost an hour, Hongjoong looked back to find a sleepy Wooyoung hugging San's side as the older was caressing his hair to sooth him to sleep. When their eyes met up, Hongjoong mouthed:

"You made up?"

And San shrugged his shoulder, kissing Wooyoung's forehead when the smaller stirred a little bit in his sleep.

Hongjoong got up and went to them, he lightly taped San's shoulder and whispered.

"Take him back to your room, it's time for his nap."

San nodded and carefully lifted a sleeping Wooyoung in his arms.

He sent one shoe in Mingi's head when the taller made some loud "woohoo" to mock them and his second one when Yunho tried to scream Wooyoung's name to wake him up. The second one also received a harsh slap on the back of his head by Seonghwa who whisper-yelled:

"Don't wake him up! You know he is awful when he doesn't get his nap!"

San half smiled. Damn was Hwa right. Wooyoung was very grumpy when he didn't get his nap and then he would annoy all the people in the room. Or worst, he would be really quiet and San would feel awfully lonely and sad.

When they got back to their room, after San struggled a lot to take the key out of his pocket without waking up Wooyoung, San carefully put the younger down on his bed. Wooyoung immediately rolled and hugged one of the many pillows in the bed.

When he moved, his shirt got up a little bit and San could see the younger's stomach. Of course it wasn't the first time, but he felt awkward looking at it while Wooyoung was sleeping. When the younger let out a loud moan in his sleep and rolled over again, lifting up his shirt even more, San felt like he was dying on the spot. He hoped nobody else heard it. He would never admit it, and thought he was making a good job at hiding it, but he was extremely jealous when it came to the younger. And recently, things were getting out of hands. He knew Wooyoung had already been in relationships with other boys and one girl. He knew he wasn't a virgin, even if he still managed to persuade himself otherwise until last night that is. But now, knowing that he was neither his best friend, nor his crush, it felt a little bit too much for San.

That's why he started acting (or tried to act) like a mother for Wooyoung, he felt like if he couldn't be his boyfriend nor his best friend then he had to at least be a second mother, to still be something for him. Because Wooyoung was everything for him. He was his crush, he was his best friend, he was like a mischievous little brother, everything. That's why he wanted to protect him so much and why he was so hurt that day. San knew Yunho and Mingi were dating and thought the younger might be hurt because of this whole situation, so he asked Mingi to sit in the corner, both to make sure there would be no interaction between them but also because like that, Mingi and Yunho would not be all over each other and Wooyoung wouldn't be sad. Last night was also tough for him, first, he saw Wooyoung having a boner, then, the younger basically moaned when San 'accidentally' rubbed his knee on his crotch, truth was he did it on purpose to make sure the smaller was hard, then, he got hard himself from the noise, and even more, Wooyoung hid in the bathroom for the whole night, making it impossible for San to jerk off in the shower as he would normally do in such a situation nor to cuddle the younger to sleep as he would also normally do.

Another loud moan coming from the younger made San's head jolt up. Wooyoung was laying in the sheets, his legs wide open, his abs on full view, and what San could believe was a boner. Wooyoung made small moans, mumbling the words "tank top" and San looked down to see his own pants tightening. He groaned.

"Heck Jung Wooyoung, the things you do to me."

A/N Here ends chapter 6! Please tell me what you thought of it! And don't forget to vote if you liked it, it helps me know more of your thoughts if you don't leave comments (๑•́ -•̀)

See you on Saturday!

Love <3

Also, do you prefer double space between each paragraph or only one space

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