✿ notes.

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signed: notes.


hello, everyone!

thank you, really, for reading my very loooong twst book called DÉVOUEMENT. since chapter seven won't be released any time soon, updates are currently being held, and so i decided "why not make another book related to that one while we wait for diasomnia?"

i actually received a request on tumblr from one of the readers of the book asking for the reaction of malleus, lilia, silver, leona, and idia upon hearing that f/n decides to marry riddle.

hence, the birth of this book.

(if you are the one who requested this, please let me know. <3)

feel free to request some scenarios that you think may fit in the original book and i will write it here!

yes, i am aware i have another book called ephemeral, but i am not updating that yet.

anyway, that's all. thanks!

oh, if you want to make a book or an illustration or whatever it is that is being inspired by DÉVOUEMENT, feel free to do so. i would love to see them <3

— darlingbelphie_



✿ - notes or announcements
✦ - canon to dévouement
❥ - imagines / what-ifs

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