❥ gender-bent f/n

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╰┈➤ filetype: what-if scenarios

╰┈➤ what-if scenarios:gender-bent f/n (lit. fem mc to male mc)

╰┈➤ sent by: none


another morning in diasomnia as shown by the clock, due to the never-ending darkness of their dormitory which prevents them from knowing what exactly the time of day it is. f/n yawned as she landed her feet to the ground before standing up and heading to the bathroom to fix herself.

minutes passed and f/n walked downstairs to the lounge to meet with her four friends. upon seeing them on the usual couch, the military leader smiled and sat beside malleus.

"good morning, beastie——"

lilia paused as soon as his gaze meets f/n's figure, eyes wide at the sudden discovery, "...beastie?"

"yes, dear?" asked f/n, confused by lilia's odd behavior. lilia proceeded to chuckle as he said, "did you accidentally cast a spell on yourself while you were asleep?"

"that happens...?" whispered silver to himself.

"what on earth are you talking about?" asked the diasomnia first year, raising a brow at his words. malleus summoned a mirror and handed it to f/n, to which the latter took it without hesitation.

as soon as their eyes landed on their reflection, they yelped in surprise, "WHAT—?!"

lilia laughed at their reaction and said, "it looks like you are a man for today! ah, i remember how you looked back at the ghost bride shenanigans, fufu..."

"quite handsome, my lady—— err... my lord!" complimented sebek as he smiled at f/n, remembering the ghost marriage event as soon as lilia mentioned it.

"so this is what silver and i missed?" asked malleus as he smiled at f/n, "well, no matter... whether you are a man or a woman, you'll always be the beholder of my heart." f/n snickered as they placed an arm around malleus, "how cheesy, mal. fufu..."

"pretty..." mumbled silver, catching f/n's attention as they smiled at the second year. "you're prettier, sil," replied f/n, causing silver to blush in response, realising his words were heard.

"well~ the spell might wear off in a few hours. there's a prefect meeting in 5 minutes. come on, mal. you're coming with me," said f/n as they stood up with a sigh, "bird man left his duties with me again, so i'm going to conduct the meeting... for the umpteenth time..."


"good morning, gentlemen."

f/n's deep and captivating voice made the dorm leaders perk up as they landed their eyes on the attractive man standing before them by the end of the table. the diasomnia student wore their usual school uniform as they crossed their arms and eyed each student, "well? no greetings?"

"o-our apologies," said riddle, "we were just... surprised."

"...good morning, acting headmaster," greeted the dorm leaders, minus malleus as he was seated with a smile, in unison.

idia's eyes were wide as he stared at f/n, a blush present on his cheeks as his thoughts ran wild, 'what...? that's n/n?'

f/n noticed his stare and winked at him with a smirk, "easy now, 'dia. i'll give you all the attention you want after the meeting." their statement made the rest of the dorm leaders glare at idia as the latter cleared his throat and hid his face in embarrassment.

"alright, we digress. our agenda is to plan out the new event coming up: the battle of the brains. this is a competition where 2 chosen students from each dorm gets to compete. the winning dorm will be exempted from the finals and they will automatically receive full marks on their report cards," announced f/n.

the dorm leaders listened attentively as f/n continued, "in order to choose the students, we shall do a lottery. however, dorm leaders cannot participate in the competition."


f/n raised a brow at their sudden energy as they spoke in a commanding voice, "SILENCE! i did not give you lot the permission to speak." the dorm heads went silent as kalim apologised, "s-sorry...!"

"no, not you, kalim. you're fine," said f/n, "now... as i was saying, dorm leaders cannot participate. however, your vice leaders can. i have already prepared the draw lots. let's start with heartslabyul." the acting headmaster handed the box to riddle as he dished down the folded papers and grabbed two.

he then unfolded the pieces of paper and sighed, "...unbelievable..."

'i'm guessing he got ace and deuce, judging by his reaction,' thought f/n.

leona was next as he grabbed two pieces of paper and reading the names silently. azul followed suit, then kalim, then vil, then idia, and finally, malleus.

the diasomnia dorm head unfolded the pieces of paper and smiled before taking a glance at f/n. 'that better not be me...' thought f/n.

minutes later, the meeting ended. f/n sighed and said, "alright. dismissed!"

the dorm leaders stood up, but before they could leave, vil said, "you look handsome, darling. might i say, your regal and commanding aura makes you incredibly attractice." the diasomnia student smirked in return, "mhm. feel free to stare longer~"

vil looked disappointed as he said, "however, your personality is incredibly cocky." f/n chuckled and replied, "right. perhaps changing my gender also meant a change in my personality. i'll be back to normal in a few hours."



f/n turned around, but before they could react, ace immediately tackled them into a tight hug. "there you are! we haven't seen you in a while...? why does your body feel diffe...rent...?" trailed ace as he pulled away from the hug and realised f/n's usual figure was replaced with a different one.

"...how the hell can you tell my figure is not that of a woman by a hug?" questioned f/n as they raised a brow.

"DAMN~ you look good," said ace, "and uh... i'm not being rude or anything, but when i usually hug you, it feels comfortable because... uh... anyway, it's lunch!"

f/n sighed before walking with the first years to the cafeteria as yuu said, "i remember the ghost bride event! you were really handsome, n/n... ahaha!"

"it seems i'm turning half of these students gay just by being a man," remarked f/n, "or is it because it's me that they drool over?"

"it's because of you," answered epel, "it's as if most of them wouldn't care what your gender is, so long as it's you, f/n l/n, and no one else. i think it's really cool, though."


up next: rollo's dance

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