✦ rollo's dance

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╰┈➤ filetype: referenced story event

╰┈➤ referenced story event: rollo flamme and f/n l/n's dance

╰┈➤ chapter references:

chapter one hundred forty.

"u-um... i know it's not my place to say this, but... your smile looks nice!" said the vice president. f/n thanked him before doing a single spin and ending up with a different partner. she then looked up and met with rollo's gaze, causing her to hum, "oh, rollo."

rollo stared down at her as they continued to waltz through the dance floor. none had exchanged any words as they both stared into each other's eyes, dancing as if no one was in the dance floor but them. ❞

the noble bell student made f/n dip as he leaned closer to her and whispered, "just as i promised to your king... i will make sure to rob you of your powerful magic." f/n chuckled as she smirked at him, "oh, please. i am looking forward to it."

rollo smirked in response as the two continued dancing, "hmph. then, let us three reunite under the bell of salvation again soon, my lady."


the two danced as the spotlight landed on them. the vice president was no longer dancing in the crowd as he stood on stage, "ladies and gentlemen! i present to you... our student council president and miss l/n!"

f/n raised a brow at the spotlight shining down on them, but did not stop dancing as she asked, "why are we being particularly mentioned?" rollo shrugged in response, staying silent as he stared into her eyes with a dull, yet soft, gaze.

an arm was wrapped around her waist as his free hand intertwined with hers, which left her confused. usually, the hand should be held gently, but not intertwined. however, that wasn't the case with her and rollo.

still, f/n chose to ignore it all. the stares of the other students from other academies, the stares of her surprised sister and friends, the whispers of the crowd, and the spotlight shining down on them.

or so she wished she could easily ignore it.

"i'm not a fan of being the centre of attention," remarked f/n. "hm... as do i," replied rollo as he glanced at the vice president. somehow, one look from him was all it took for the spotlight to die down as everyone continued dancing.

once again, rollo made the lady dip as he leaned close, face inches away from her. f/n raised a brow as she smirked, teasing the noble bell student, "come on, now. you claim to hate me so bad, but you act like you wanna kiss me~"

the noble bell student glared at how shameless she can get. he made her twirl before pulling her close — quite harshly, to add. "you have no shame, don't you?" questioned rollo. f/n snickered in response, "well, i'm not the one who leans a tad bit too close to someone they hate."

"it's part of the dance," lied rollo.

"hmph~ as i said earlier, get in line," teased f/n.

"you are insufferable, l/n."

"and you have a crush on me, flamme."

rollo's eyes twitched as he said, "don't you dare try to tempt me and bewitch me with your charms, you witch." f/n had a small smile on her face as she replied, "we're all wizards here. i have no idea why you'd use 'witch' as an insult when i really am one."

the noble bell student rolled his eyes before making f/n twirl once again and landing with a different partner. though he would not show it, he was quite disappointed as soon as her touch left him and went to a different partner.

and her new partner was no other than her very own king, malleus draconia.

rollo stayed silent as he danced with his new partner, subtly thinking about f/n's words before shaking his thoughts away, appalled by how he even dared to indulge in what he views as a sin.

f/n is a powerful magician as she is one of the top mages in all of twisted wonderland, along with her king. in his eyes, she will always be a villain, a sinner, the devil.

so, why does he long for her touch? why does he long to dance with her for the entire duration of the ball? why is the image of the powerful lady smirking and smiling up at him flashing into his memory?

was he, perhaps, bewitched by her? did she cast a spell while he was unaware? that shouldn't be the case, what motive does the lady have to do this to him?

meanwhile, f/n was dancing peacefully with malleus as they had their conversation. "i finally got to dance with you, my love," said malleus as he smiled fondly at the lady.

"i'm glad you're enjoying yourself, darling," remarked f/n, "i can't wait to share our adventures with lil, fufu." malleus smiled at her words, "as do i, dearest. these past two days have been quite the thrill. i do hope you got your powers back."

"of course," replied f/n, "both of us only required a few hours of rest to fully recharge. perks of being powerful, no?"

"certainly, it is an advantage..."

malleus made f/n dip as his face were inches away from hers, "i believe i haven't told you how beautiful you look tonight, as you do every single day." f/n laughed at his words before planting a quick kiss on his lips, "now, since when did the almightly king become such a sweet talker?"

malleus chuckled as f/n realised what she had done, eyes wide as she profusely apologised, "w-wait... oh, dear. my apologies, mal! i didn't mean to." the dorm leader shook his head as he continued dancing with her, "no need for an apology. however, be prepared for revenge."

unbeknownst to the two, rollo was keeping a close eye on them with a frown on his lips. 'it seems the king and his soldier have a relationship far from professional... how foolish of me to fall for her antics,' thought rollo, '...it seems falling for a villain only brings pain.'


up next: vil's photoshoot

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