✦ vil's photoshoot

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╰┈➤ filetype: official shorts request

╰┈➤ official shorts request: ❝ Hm, since you haven't been receiving request I'll just request another I was thinking of f/n helping Vil with one of his photoshoots since the model that was supposed to be with him had fallen ill hope you'll read this ❣️ ❞

╰┈➤ sent by: Hirosu-san

it was in the middle of a semestral break when f/n was found lounging around in the royal palace lounge. malleus was nowhere to be found — presumably with his grandmother or performing his royal duties. lilia, silver, and sebek were busy training in the field and f/n found no energy to accompany them. as for her family members, vincent was busy with the troops, aelyn was busy learning new spells, and rachel was nowhere to be found.

which means the lady is all alone in the large palace.

f/n was about to sip on her tea when her phone vibrated from her pocket. she was surprised her phone was still functioning as it was not recharged since she first arrived — since briar valley did not have much of electricity.

'good evening, my dearest.

i do not wish to bother you. however, i need a little assistance with my photo shoot and you were the first person that i thought of.

would you mind visiting me in shaftlands?'

f/n typed back a reply and immediately stood up from her seat. she then teleported out of briar valley with no permission as she thought this little errand will only take a few minutes.

well, she was wrong. it took hours.

with a blink of an eye, she appeared right beside vil as the pomefiore dorm head turned to look at her. "that was quite fast, my dear," said vil.

vil's manager stood before the two as she shrieked at f/n's sudden appearance, "l-lady... l/n of briar valley...?" vil hummed in response, "yes, she will be assisting me while the other model is ill."

"right, but..." trailed the manager.

"think about it... lady l/n is a renowned soldier from briar valley. she has quite the reputation, i must say. she's the best person for this role," spoke vil as f/n glanced at him. "...what exactly am i here for, beau roi?" asked the lady.

"the female model that was supposed to accompany me today for the shoot fell ill, so we were looking for a quick replacement. you are the first person i thought of. hence, i invited you over... i hope you don't mind being a model for the day," answered vil.

"i don't mind, but... what is the theme of this photo shoot?" asked f/n. the manager suddenly went silent before clearing her throat and excusing herself, "i shall inform the photographer that we will start in a few minutes. the stylists shall come and fix your appearances before the shoot."

f/n hummed in response, though still wondered why her question is ignored. vil sighed as he accompanied the lady to a dressing room door and said, "if you need anything, let me know."


it was the time of the photo shoot.

f/n would be lying if she said she wasn't feeling pretty. though, the colour of the clothes are different from what she was used to in briar valley's fashion, the clothing still suited her as if it was made for her.

vil was wearing a matching outfit and it was not an understatement to say he looks good. vil has the ability to pull off any clothing style even if it looks like trash when it was hung. that was one of the things that f/n find admirable.

"wow..." breathed f/n as she stared at vil with wide eyes. it was not her intention to voice out how amazed she was, but at the moment, she couldn't help but admire how beautiful he looked.

vil heard the lady and glanced at her before smiling, "you look wonderful, my queen. so... are you ready?" f/n hummed in response as they both entered the booth. it was as expected — a pair of studio lights surrounded the white backdrop that f/n and vil were supposedly modelling on, the photographer stood before the scene with his hella expensive camera, vil's manager discussed some points with the director, and the hair stylists and make-up artists are on stand by as they watched vil and f/n eye the surroundings.

vil's manager caught sight of the two and approached them, "ah! there you are... alright, you two can stand over there and we can begin."

vil stood before the camera and posed with f/n beside him. the first pose they were going for was f/n facing her body towards vil and looking at the camera over her left shoulder, while vil stood before her, wrapped an arm around her waist, and held a few strands of her hair with his free hand.

a few photographs and poses later, the two were instructed to do the last pose for the day before everyone is dismissed. vil placed a hand on her hip as she placed a hand on top of his. vil's other hand rested on f/n's cheek as she did the same, tenderly placing a hand on his left cheek as she gazed up at him.

"perfect! okay, one... two..."


the two were done for the day as f/n changed back to her casual outfit, causing vil to do the same. "i was not expecting that this is the errand i'll help you with..." commented f/n. "yes, well... speaking of which, i hope i did not make you uncomfortable," said vil.

f/n chuckled and shook her head in response, "no need to worry, it's fine with me. though, i was thinking... what if our school mates were to see that once it's published? fufu~"

vil suddenly knelt down as he held her hand, "then, i'm willing to fight for you. besides, they're not the ones who look attractive when they stand next to you..." the pomefiore dorm head then winked at that lady before standing up and placing a kiss on the back of her hand, "thank you for assisting me, my queen."

"anything for you, beau roi..."


meanwhile in briar valley, vincent crossed his arms as he stood before the four diasomnia residents. his gaze drifted to malleus as he spoke, "your highness, you may be our crown prince, but you are not exempted from this interrogation." malleus wanted to muster up the courage to reply back, but stayed silent as vincent eyed the other three before speaking once more, "i won't ask again... where. is. my. daughter?"

"general l/n, we can assure you... she was just in this lounge when we were training..." trailed silver as he eyed the floor, finding it hard to gaze up at the scarily powerful man that just happened to be the father of his beloved.

"if she was in this lounge, then why do i not see her?"

lilia took the courage to reply back to the fuming l/n, "general l/n, there is no need to worry...! i'm sure beastie just went to the palace gardens..." vincent shook his head as he responded, "her mother is in the palace gardens and she told me she wasn't there."

"t-then..." trailed sebek.

"i'm back~! ...huh? father, what are you doing?" questioned f/n as she suddenly appeared next to malleus, still dressed in the white gown that she wore at vil's photo shoot. vincent's spine-chilling glare was immediately replaced with a sweet smile as he spoke to his daughter, "ah! there you are, my child! i was just talking to his highness and the rest~ ...why are you wearing a wedding dress?"

".........this isn't a wedding dress. it's just an outfit i borrowed from shaftlands," replied the lady, causing the rest to raise a brow at her response. "you were at shaftlands, beastie?" asked lilia.

"yup~ you'll see why in 2 to 3 days~"

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