✦ second years' valentine shorts

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╰┈➤ filetype: official shorts request

╰┈➤ official shorts request:Would you pls request make hilarious Valentine's Day shenanigans on first years, second years and third years in 3 parts of it? If you are okay with it?😅

╰┈➤ sent by: Bloodydragon662


f/n sat on the cafeteria table as she silently read a book that she kept in her bag. her first year friends were busy with some tasks in their class, hence why, she was alone.

...or not.

the military officer saw a figure moving from her peripheral vision. the figure seemed to be approaching her until they sat before her. she lifted her gaze and realized it was riddle.

she smiled at him for a quick second before returning her gaze to the book in her hands.

"is it alright if i sit here?" asked riddle.

"mhm," hummed f/n as her eyes stayed on the pages.

"someone's busy," remarked another voice.

f/n looked up with an unamused look as she glanced at the person who dared to disturb her.

they relaxed as soon as she realized it was just kalim. f/n smiled at him and said, "hello, kalim..."

"hi, miss f/n!"

the diasomnia student looked towards the direction of another voice and discovered ruggie standing behind riddle.

she was confused now. this was definitely not a normal occurrence, but she merely smiled and greeted him back in response.

"good evening, lady f/n," greeted jade.

"good evening, jade..."


"oh," voiced f/n as her eyes landed on a familiar dorm mate, "hi... silver."

"haaa... you guys are disturbing her," remarked jamil.

f/n stayed silent as she eyed the rest with an unimpressed look. azul and floyd then approached the group and greeted f/n, causing her to nod back in response.

"hello, angelfish."

"greetings, 'zul."

"minokasago-chaaaaan!" cheered floyd as he gave her a tight hug, surprising f/n in the process.

"floyd!" called jade, "you're suffocating her."

floyd immediately released f/n and said, "oops~ sorry, minokasago-chan!"

f/n sighed and eyed the second years as she spoke, "okay... what's up? why are my deeeear seniors crowding around me?"

"you looked lonely, so i approached you!" exclaimed kalim.

"i only wanted to read..." mumbled riddle, "but there are no free tables aside from yours..."

f/n blinked in confusion as she looked around, "but... there's no one in this cafeteria except us..."

"we just wanna ask..." trailed ruggie.

"which valentine's gift did you like the most?" asked kalim.

the military officer was taken aback by their question. first, it was their batch mates that argued about this. now, the second years are asking about it, too.

what's next? the third years are going to have a fist fight over which gift she prefers the most?

nah, too dramatic.

f/n shook their thoughts away and replied, "uh... all of your gifts were great and unique... i can't just pick one."

"i'm certain you liked mine the most... i can see that you are wearing the necklace i bought you from the set of 24-carat gold jewellery," remarked azul as he eyed the necklace on f/n.

"your gift was definitely one of the most expensive ones..." mumbled f/n.

"eh? if you like expensive gifts, i can just buy you a mansion, n/n!" cheered kalim as he gave her a wide smile.

it was both adorable and concerning for f/n.

adorable because he was being oh so sweet.

concerning because he was actually serious.

f/n awkwardly laughed and said, "that's sweet, dear... but the price of a gift does not really matter to me..."

"so... you liked the chocolates i gave you?" asked jamil.

"yeah, they were amazing. actually, all of the sweets you guys gave me are great."

f/n then eyed each of them as she questioned, "...why are you all asking this?"

the rest awkwardly laughed, while some stayed silent. silver was seated beside f/n as he dozed off, seeing as he wasn't very active in the conversation.

"eh..." trailed ruggie, "silver-san's asleep."

f/n glanced at him and laid his head on her shoulder, "let him... he's probably tired."

'his head is resting on her shoulder!!!' thought the rest.

the military officer then looked at the rest and said, "okay... i am aware you want me to be with one of you. however, just because you are my seniors, doesn't mean i'll give you a free pass..."

a cunning smile found its way on her lips as she spoke with a cooing tone, "as i said to my first year friends... if you badly want to be with me, you have to impress me. i don't accept just anyone to be my partner, after all."

"y-yes, ma'am..."


up next: third years' valentine shorts

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