❥ lilia's proposal

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ೃ༄ category: what-if scenarios
╰┈➤ filetype: wattpad request

╰┈➤ wattpad request: My heart ♡(> ਊ <)♡ can I please request Lilia's proposal (◕ᴗ◕✿) ?

╰┈➤ sent by: Deemayaz


it was a regular evening in diasomnia as all five of them sat together and had their little talk with some tea. f/n was currently sipping on her preferred hot beverage while listening to sebek's rants.

"and before i knew it, silver threw away my juice box!"

silver sighed and said, "it was empty... if you wanted more, you could've asked."

"fufu," chuckled lilia, "there are tons of juice boxes left in the kitchen, sebek. you can get some right now."

"n/n," called sebek.

f/n hummed in response as she set her cup down and eyed the human fae, "yes, seb?"

"do you have any awakening potions?"

f/n blinked in confusion and replied, "...yeah, why?"

"i want to try making silver drink an entire bucket full of those," confessed sebek.

silver's eyes widened and said, "a bucket full...? though, it might work..."

f/n chuckled and spoke, "i can make a powerful one and place it in a small flask."

malleus sipped on his tea silently as he eyed all four of them. he had nothing to share, but he likes their company and the fact that they all have interesting stories to share.

"ah, i remember the time when f/n ruined a door in here using a powerful spell that she just learned," spoke lilia.

f/n glared at him and said, "don't remind me... hey, at least i fixed it, okay?"

"i fixed it," corrected malleus as he smiled at the frowning first year.

"...at least it's fixed," mumbled f/n.

sebek's eyes were twinkling as he eyed f/n, "a spell powerful enough to break a door to little pieces... you're so amazing, lady f/n— i mean n/n!"

silver smiled and said, "you learned a new powerful spell? great job."

the military leader smiled at the two and replied, "aww~ thanks, you two. oh, i should go make our dinner now. what would you like to have?"

"salmon carpaccio, please!"

"anything you make is fine..."

"as silver says..."

"i'll help!" cheered lilia as he stood up, causing f/n to eye him suspiciously.

"hmm..." hummed f/n, "alright... you'll help with the dishes! come on."


everything was going smoothly.

f/n did not like it.

with lilia lingering around in the kitchen, she knew something was bound to happen, but so far, it was so peaceful that it was starting to get suspicious.

the military leader sprinkled tons of seasonings as she cooked their meal for tonight, while lilia stood beside her with a small smile on his face.

she then turned around to grab some chopped ingredients on the counter, leaving lilia to pour some unidentifiable liquid as he said, "this substance has mixed herbs and spices, perfect for any meal!"

f/n immediately turned around and warned, "don't you dare put anything in that meal."

lilia was quick to hide the test tube as he sheepishly smiled at her, "relax, beastie. i won't put anything bad in our meals."

her eyes narrowed as she stared at lilia and hummed, "hmm... okay. put the lid back on and let it boil on low heat."

lilia did as he was told and stood beside f/n right after. the two stood in a short silence before the diasomnia vice head grabbed both of her hands, "beastie..."

f/n was silent as if signalling him to continue.

"i'm sure you're aware that i have feelings for you, and i've been waiting for this moment to arrive..." trailed lilia.

"...you've been waiting for the moment of us cooking together?" questioned f/n as she smirked at lilia.

"heh? no, no! i mean, i do love that we are cooking together now, but that's not what i'm pertaining to," replied the vice head.

f/n laughed and said, "i know, i know. i'm just messing with you."

lilia immediately pinched her cheek and said, "my little beastie is trying to distract me~ anyway, as i was saying... you are the light to my darkness~ the apple of my eye~"

"get to the point, dear," said f/n as she poked his cheek.

he brought out a jewellery box and kneeled down as he held her left hand, "lady f/n l/n, will you be my wife?"

f/n smiled at lilia and said, "yes, of course. i accept your proposal, retired general vanrouge."

lilia chuckled at the title and slipped the ring on her finger before standing up, "yay~ we're engaged!"

"good luck delivering this news to the other three," said f/n before pulling lilia for a tight hug.

"anyway," added f/n, "it took you long enough... fufu." the military leader then planted a quick kiss on his lips and pulled away from the hug, "let's prepare the dinner table."

lilia was shocked by the kiss, but immediately brushed it off and kissed her cheek, "alright, beastie."

their short, comfortable silence was cut short when the pot started boiling vigorously. f/n raised a brow and said, "i told you to put it on low heat."

"i did..."

as soon as f/n lifted the lid, she was greeted by a cooking explosion as the ingredients scattered around the kitchen, drenching her and lilia's clothes in the process.



"............LILIA VANROUGE!!!"



up next: idia's proposal

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