✦ nrc in the beach

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╰┈➤ filetype: official shorts request

╰┈➤ official shorts request: ❝ um i have a request can you do like a beach chap? ❞

╰┈➤ sent by: Hirosu-san

f/n was relaxing by the shore until ace splashed some water on her, causing the lady to flinch in shock before turning to glare at ace.

the heartslabyul first year merely laughed at her expression and said, "come on, n/n! you should swim with us rather than sit on the sand."

how did she get into this situation in the first place? 



"for your 1-week break, you all will go to the beach!" announced crowley.

f/n, who was seated beside malleus, eyed the headmaster intently before taking a glance at her dorm mates. lilia smiled and said, "great! that sounds fun."

the lady sighed to herself as crowley dismissed all of the students. she stood up and approached the bird man as she spoke, "uncle... i'm going as well?"

"but of course, my dear niece! you do need a break, after all," replied the headmaster, "if you're worried about wearing a swimsuit around these students, then feel free to stick with the faculty staff."

"right... i'm not really worried about that, though... if i catch anyone eyeing me like that, i'll erase them from existence."

"...that's... a bit much."


"you, uh... look pretty," said yuu as he smiled at f/n.

the diasomnia student thanked him and dipped herself in the water, enjoying its refreshing sensation. ace swam next to her and said, "well, n/n? told 'ya it would be fun!" she then turned to look at ace and stayed silent for a while, until she splashed him back with some water.

"wah—! hey!"

f/n laughed at his reaction and said, "you started it!"

the two proceeded to have a splash fight, causing jack and deuce to sigh to themselves before continuing on with their conversation. epel and sebek were also conversing with jack and deuce, leaving f/n and ace to act like kids in front of them. 

grim was busy wailing about how he didn't want to drown as yuu held him while swimming around with a bored look on his face. 

"fgnaaah~ i don't want to drown!"

"i'm literally holding you."


some time passed and f/n was floating around while talking to silver. the sun was almost setting and the view looked spectacular. the orange hues on the sky reflecting on the ocean waves made f/n smile softly, silver noticed this and eyed the view she was gazing at.

neither had said a word until f/n felt something wrap around her ankles and pull her down the water. she yelped as her body descended, causing silver to panic as he dived down to grab her.

only to realise, it was floyd who grabbed her ankles. 

the three of them rose to the surface as f/n heaved heavy breaths while leaning on silver with her arms on his shoulders. floyd was laughing at her as he said, "ahaha! i managed to scare minokasago-chan! you should've seen the look on your face!"

"that was NOT funny! i thought i was about to get eaten by something!"

"ahaha! hey, guys!" called floyd as he swam to the shore to share this story with the rest of the students. silver had an arm around her waist as he placed her back on the shore. he stayed on the water as he held her hand, "are you okay?"

"yeah, just surprised..."

silver was expecting to see f/n upset, but he was wrong as f/n sported a smile before laughing.

"fufu... haha! that was kind of fun... it's definitely the first time i experienced that," said f/n, "we should visit the beach next time with just mal, lil, and seb!"

"eh? ain't no way you managed to scare f/n, floyd!" exclaimed azul as jade smiled at his brother. riddle and vil were standing nearby as they heard azul's comment and floyd's words. 

f/n looked at the group as azul glanced at her, she merely smiled at him before standing up and walking towards riddle and vil. as soon as she walked away, silver immediately stood up and grabbed her beach robe, draping it on her shoulders before wrapping it around her.

"wear this, so they won't stare and you won't catch a cold..." 

the diasomnia lady smiled at the knight and thanked him for his kind gesture. silver smiled and went back to swimming with malleus and lilia, while sebek was busy arguing with ace over which drink is better for a beach day.

f/n stood beside riddle and vil as they watched the sunset. the two queens looked at f/n with small smiles before looking back at the view. "did you enjoy the beach, my lady?" asked riddle.

"i certainly did."

"glad to hear."

vil hummed as he spoke, "now that the sun has set, we should go have our dinner. i prepared a hand-pressed smoothie, especially just for you, darling." f/n smiled at the pomefiore dorm head, "why, thank you, my queen. well, come on, you two. i'm sure the food is almost ready."


a few hours later, lilia and f/n were sitting nearby the shore, looking up at the moon shining above them as they talked about their experience for the day. "floyd's surprise attack was really the highlight of my day," spoke f/n, "i mean... for once, no one thought about my status and acted playful with me... it was a fun experience."

"i'm glad you like the beach, beastie. it's not every day that we get to catch a break, no?" replied lilia. f/n hummed and leaned her head on his shoulder, her gaze still staying on the moon as she held lilia's hand, "...lil, the moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

the retired general chuckled at this and squeezed her hand lightly, "fufu... i love you too, beastie."


lilia and f/n turned around to see malleus standing there with a frown on his face. the diasomnia lady smiled and extended a hand towards him, "why are you frowning over there? come, sit with us!"

malleus sat beside f/n and held her other hand, his frown still present as he looked up to the moon. "...this is the first time i visited the beach... with everyone else."

"mhm... it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience for us, i might say," remarked lilia.

f/n let out a relieved sigh as she pulled away from their touch and lay on the sand, "mal... lil... thank you for giving me a chance to attend the academy. i do not regret a single minute of it."

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