✦ first years' shenanigans

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╰┈➤ filetype: official shorts request

╰┈➤ official shorts request:Ummm I have a idea for A devouument short. Y/n on her period and the idiot group says how bad can it be.

╰┈➤ sent by: Wisegiel


seven out of eight first years watched with concern as f/n laid her head on the cafeteria table and groaned. it was currently their lunch break, so they were eating together while sharing some stories. however, one member seemed to be in everlasting pain.

"n/n..." called epel, "are you alright?"

f/n looked up from the table to give the group a nasty glare, "do i look okay?"

"woah," spoke ace, "relax... you look like you're dying... why are you clutching your abdomen? do you have a tummy ache or something?"

"insolent fools!" insulted sebek, "lady f/n is currently experiencing discomfort and it will go on for the next three to seven days! you ought to treat her kindly."

jack was concerned as soon as he heard sebek's words, but with him being a wolf, his sense of smell is better than that of an average human.

which means... he has been smelling the scent of blood ever since f/n came in contact with their group.

of course, he was no idiot unlike the rest. jack knew f/n is currently experiencing the dreadful time of the month, her period, and the way the rest of the first years are acting definitely isn't helping her situation.

"whoa, um... alright..." spoke epel, though he wasn't sure what was going on.

"i can smell blood," said grim as he sniffed the air.

f/n's eyes slightly widened before glaring at the monster, "don't. elaborate."

grim shrieked as he realized f/n was glaring at him and immediately hid behind yuu, "fgnaa—! i was just saying...! the scent of blood has been lingering around ever since we came in contact with you...!"

jack sighed in disappointment as yuu asked with concern, "are you alright, n/n? are you hurt somewhere?"

"yeah," responded f/n, "i'm hurt. i'm on my period, you idiots."

"ooooohhhhh..." voiced ace, deuce, epel, yuu, and grim.

meanwhile, sebek and jack were watching the scene unfold with a disappointed look.

ortho was present in the table as well, but he kept quiet because he knew what f/n is like when she's experiencing that time of the month. even idia is said to be wary when he knew f/n is on her period, he would treat her like a queen and spoil her with everything she asks for, just so she wouldn't snap at him.

"that time of the month, huh? geez, i thought it was gonna be something very serious," spoke ace.

"i'm glad you're not hurt anywhere though," said deuce.

"yeah!" agreed grim, "that explains the bloody scent."

"mhm," added ace, "besides... how bad can it be?"

'oh no,' thought sebek, jack, and ortho.

f/n went silent for a while as she eyed ace. her blank expression slowly morphed into a small smile, though her eyes did not hold a friendly gaze.

"how bad can it be, huh?" spoke f/n as she started materializing her magic on her left hand, "how about i let YOU experience what it's like to have your torso give you the sensation that it's about to be cut in half?!"

ace, deuce, and grim's eyes widened as soon as they realized f/n was about to cast a spell on them.

"ah! n-n/n...! don't! we're still in the cafeteria!" exclaimed epel as he tried to calm her down.

"i don't give a shit!" yelled f/n, "strike dow—!"

before f/n could fully chant her spell, a piece of chocolate was shoved into her mouth, silencing her and calming her down in the process.

f/n looked at the person who dared to interrupt her, only to see lilia standing beside her while holding a bar of chocolate with a smile.

the military officer went silent as she sighed and ate the chocolate in peace, embarrassed at how she went so far as trying to curse her friends only because her hormones were all over the place.

"now, now, youngsters," spoke lilia, "do treat her gently and watch what you say. her body's very sensitive, so she's experiecing terrible pain. you don't want her to end up cursing you now, do you?"

the rest of the first years shook their heads and took a mental note of lilia's warning.

f/n hung her head low as she munched on the chocolate piece that lilia gave her, "sorry..."

"n-no..." said deuce, "we're sorry... we didn't know."

"yeah, uh... do you want my lunch, n/n?" asked ace as he offered her his lunch.

f/n eyed ace's lunch and him as she replied, "you haven't even eaten yet..."

"we'll eat together," said ace, "come onnn... just take the offer before i change my mind."

the diasomnia student sighed and took a bite of his lunch before looking at lilia, "sorry about that."

lilia shook his head and handed her the chocolate bar, "you'll need this. you're not yourself today. i'll always be nearby just in case something happens, alright?"

f/n merely hummed in response as she hung her head low and nibbled on ace's meal. her cheeks had a tint of pink as she was embarrassed to even look at her friends after the humiliating behavior that she just showed.

lilia bid goodbye to the group before teleporting back to the diasomnia table. only silver was present with him in diasomnia's exclusive cafeteria desk since sebek was with f/n in the first years' table and malleus... was nowhere to be found.

"nee-san," called ortho as f/n looked at the younger shroud, "i have a hot pack here with me. please take it! it will ease your discomfort for at least 56%."

f/n smiled at ortho and took the hot pack from him, "you are an angel sent from above, my child."

'remind me not to irritate her when she's on her period,' thought the rest of the first years as they eyed f/n with slight fear, 'the idea of the all-powerful military officer cursing me... eek!'


up next: first years' valentine shorts

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